ST_IsMeasured takes a geometry as an input parameter and returns 1 if the given geometry has measures or 0 if it does not.
sde.st_ismeasured (g1 sde.st_geometry)
CREATE TABLE ismeas_test (id integer, geometry sde.st_geometry);
INSERT INTO ismeas_test VALUES (
sde.st_geometry ('polygon ((40 120, 90 120, 90 150, 40 150, 40 120))', 0)
INSERT INTO ismeas_test VALUES (
sde.st_geometry ('multipoint m(10 10 5, 50 10 6, 10 30 8)' , 0)
INSERT INTO ismeas_test VALUES (
sde.st_geometry ('linestring z(10 10 166, 20 10 168)', 0)
INSERT INTO ismeas_test VALUES (
sde.st_geometry ('point zm(10 10 16 30)', 0)
SELECT id, sde.st_ismeasured (geometry) Has_Meas
FROM ismeas_test;
ID Has_Meas
1902 0
1903 1
1904 0
1905 1