ST_MPolyFromText takes a well-known text (WKT) representation of type ST_MultiPolygon and a spatial reference ID and returns an ST_MultiPolygon.
sde.st_mpolyfromtext (wkt clob, srid integer)
The multipolygon_test table is created with the single ST_MultiPolygon mpl1 column.
CREATE TABLE multipolygon_test (mpl1 sde.st_geometry);
The INSERT statement inserts an ST_MultiPolygon into the mpl1 column using the ST_MPolyFromText function.
INSERT INTO multipolygon_test VALUES (
sde.st_mpolyfromtext ('multipolygon (((10.01 20.03, 10.52 40.11, 30.29 41.56,
31.78 10.74, 10.01 20.03), (21.23 15.74, 21.34 35.21, 28.94 35.35,
29.02 16.83, 21.23 15.74)), ((40.91 10.92, 40.56 20.19, 50.01 21.12,
51.34 9.81, 40.91 10.92)))', 0)