Cache generation and update on Linux/Solaris

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For Linux/Solaris versions of ArcGIS Server, a map or globe service cache can be created or updated by ArcCatalog, but can also be created and update by running scripts installed with ArcGIS Server on Linux/Solaris using scriptable GP tools. These scripts use the Server Tools in ArcToolbox. Uing them, you can generate/update map cache and globe cache from command.

Caching scripts

The caching scripts are located in the <ArcGIS Server Installation directory>/arcgis/java/tools/caching directory.

Map caching scripts

Globe caching scripts

Run the scripts

The following are basic guidelines for successfully creating/updating a map cache or creating a globe cache using these tools.

The ArcGIS Server Object Container (SOC) process runs as the ArcGIS Server Install owner. By default, this user is not a member of agsadmin group.

Only members of the agsadmin group can create empty contexts on the Server, and successfully run the generatemapcache/updatemapcache/generateglobecache tools.

The ArcGIS Server install owner needs to be added with the group agsadmin. You can use the following steps to accomplish this in Manager:

  1. Log into ArcGIS Manager
  2. Click on "GIS Server" tab
  3. Click on "Local GIS Users" link on left hand side
  4. Click on "Add Users" link
  5. Give the username "ags" and Group as "agsadmin" (Assuming you have chosen "ags" as the ArcGIS Server install owner.)
  6. Click "Save"

Now, you are ready to run the script(s) to create the cache.

In a command window, change your current working directory to <ArcGIS Server Installation directory>/arcgis/java/tools/caching.

At the command line, run the script.

Follow the directions as the script guides you through the cache generation/update process.

When the process is finished, the output will be located in the cache location. The default cache location is <ArcGIS Server Installation directory>/arcgis/server/serverdir/arcgiscache.

NOTE: In some cases, you may need to increase the amount of time the server needs to keep the SOC alive and available. This is important in cases where the caching process might take an extremely long time to complete. To increase the timeout, edit the <ArcGIS Server Installation directory>/arcgis/server/system/Server.dat file on your server by changing the value of <EngineContextTimeout> to a large number, such as 36000 seconds.

Migrating from ArcGIS Server 9.2 to 9.3

Some cache scripts from ArcGIS Server 9.2 have been deprecated. They are included with the software so that your existing application will continue to run.

There deprecated scripts located in the <ArcGIS Server Installation directory>/arcgis/java/tools/caching/deprecated directory

This table shows the deprecated scripts and their replacements in 9.3:

9.2 Deprecated tool 9.3 Replacement tool
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