Performing diagnostics on Linux/Solaris

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The diagnostics check provides valuable information on the state of ArcGIS Server. It is a tool -

You can run this tool to determine if ArcGIS Server was successfully configured for your system. This tool can be run in ArcGIS Server Manager or through command line on your Linux/Solaris machine.


Run the Diagnostics tool in ArcGIS Server Manager.

Run the Diagnotics tool from command line on your Linux/Solaris system.

Interpret ArcGIS Server Diagnostics test results.

How does the Diagnostics tool work? - through the Monitor Framework.

Run Diagnostics tool in ArcGIS Server Manager.

In ArcGIS Server Manager, click on the GIS Server --> Diagnostics link on the left side of the page.

It lists the SOM machine and all the SOC machine(s). Select the machine that you would like to diagnose and click "Run Diagnostics". See Interpret ArcGIS Server Diagnostics test results. for the result.

Run Diagnostics tool from command line on your Linux/Solaris system.

You can also run this diagnostics tool from the command line. Running from command line allows you to run it on local or remote machine(s) (e.g. SOC-only install machines) and run it on a scheduled basis.

The script is installed under <ArcGIS Server Installation Directory>/arcgis/scripts/Server_diag_tool. You need to run this script as ArcGIS Server Install owner - the user who owns ArcGIS Server installation directory. You can run it in three modes.

1) Interactive mode (default).

% ./Server_diag_tool

2) silent mode.

% ./Server_diag_tool --silent

3) Custom mode.

% ./Server_diag_tool --remote <HOSTNAME-1> <HOSTNAME-2>...<HOSTNAME-N>

Interpret ArcGIS Server Diagnostics test results.

The following is the information and explanation about all the checks performed by the diagnostics tool. All the diagnostics checks are grouped with a code formated "DGXXX" according to the part of ArcGIS Server it checks.

How does the Diagnostics tool work? - through the Monitor Framework

The Diagnostics tool is suppported by the Monitor framework. The Monitor is a standalone program that runs on all ArcGIS Server machines as a background process. It must be running for diagnostic tools to function. The scripts to start/stop monitor are installed under the <ArcGIS Server Installation directory>/arcgis/scripts folder and are called startmonitor/stopmonitor.

Monitor can be started/stopped by running

When ArcGIS Server is started by running <ArcGIS Server Installation directory>/arcgis/scripts/startserver, this script will check if the monitor is already running. If not, this script will start the monitor.

Running <ArcGIS Server Installation directory>/arcgis/scripts/stopserver will NOT stop montior process.

By default, Monitor is running on port 2422. This port number and other properties are set in <ArcGIS Server Installation directory>/arcgis/java/tools/monitor/monitor.xml file. The following user configurable peoperties can be modified in this file.

  1. ListenerPort

    This property is used to specify the port number that the monitor uses to listen for incoming requests. The accepted range of port numbers is from 1024 to 65535. By default, the monitor uses port 2422.

  2. LogLevel

    This property is used to specify the level of information that the monitor produces and records in its log file. The log file is created at: <ArcGIS Server Installation directory>/arcgis/java/tools/monitor/logs/monitor.log. This file will be overwritten every time the monitor is started. The supported levels of log information are listed below in the increasing order of message importance:

      FINE - records verbose messages that include the request XML received and the response XML returned.

      INFO - records messages related to normal operation of the monitor. eg: a new client connection.

      WARNING - records error messages that are not fatal.

      SEVERE - records errors that require immediate attention.

    If the monitor is configured to record INFO level messages, all WARNING and SEVERE messages will also be recorded, and so on. By default, the monitor is set at level INFO.

  3. SocketTimeout

    This property is used to specify the amount of time, in seconds, that the monitor waits for a request from a client before timing out. The default value is 120 seconds.

  4. ProcessTimeout

    This property is used to specify the amount of time, in seconds, that the monitor waits for a response from a local program such as diagnostics before timing out. The default value is 120 seconds.

    The timeout periods are set such that they don't need to be modified unless the network(in the case of SocketTimeout) or machines(in the case of ProcessTimeout) are extremely slow.