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Installation summary for the ArcSDE component for Informix

Installation summary for the ArcSDE component for Informix

Release 9.3 E-mail This TopicPrintable VersionGive Us feedback


You can store ArcSDE geodatabases in Informix databases that are registered with the Spatial DataBlade.

To see which specific Informix database system (IDS) versions and operating systems are supported, go to the ESRI support site and navigate to System Requirements for ArcGIS Server.

The setup, installation, and postinstallation procedures vary slightly between operating systems. The steps in this topic are an overview of the preinstallation, ArcSDE component installation, and postinstallation setups for ArcSDE for Informix. For complete instructions, including instructions for installing the DBMS and ArcSDE component on separate machines, read the installation guide provided on the ArcSDE component installation media.

Summary steps for creating an ArcSDE geodatabase on Informix

Preinstallation tasks

Before you can install the ArcSDE component and set up the geodatabase, there are a few tasks you must complete.

On Windows

  1. Install and configure the Informix database management system (DBMS).
  2. The topics Informix initialization parameters, Minimize disk I/O contention in Informix, and Tuning memory in Informix can help you with this. Also consult your Informix documentation.

  3. Make sure the Windows TEMP environment variable is set to a writable folder.
  4. Create an SDE Windows account to own the SDEHOME files.
  5. Create an Informix database registered with the Spatial DataBlade.


  1. Install and configure the Informix DBMS.
  2. The topics Informix initialization parameters, Minimize disk I/O contention in Informix, and Tuning memory in Informix can help you with this. Also consult your Informix documentation.

  3. Create an SDE operating system (OS) account to own the SDEHOME files.
  4. Add UNICODE=UCS-2 under the ODBC heading of the .odbc.ini file.
  5. Set environment variables.
  6. Create an Informix database registered with the Spatial DataBlade.

Installing the ArcSDE component

The installation files for the ArcSDE component are on a separate DVD in the ArcGIS Server media kit.

On Windows

  1. Insert the installation DVD into the drive.
  2. Launch the installation wizard.
  3. Follow the instructions in the wizard to install the ArcSDE component of ArcGIS Server.
  4. NOTE: You must be a Windows administrator to install any software on the machine.


  1. Place the ArcSDE component media into the appropriate drive and mount the drive.
  2. Change directories to the appropriate drive.
  3. Run the installation command appropriate to the shell you are using to open the command-driven dialog box for the ArcSDE component installation procedure.
  4. Follow the instructions in the installation procedure.

Postinstallation tasks

The postinstallation tasks

On Windows

  1. Set up the SDE user environment and grant resource privileges to the SDE user.
  2. If you want to alter the settings in dbtune.sde, giomgr.sde, or dbinit.sde files found in SDEHOME\etc prior to creating the ArcSDE geodatabase system tables, do so before proceeding with the Post Installation wizard.
  3. Use the Post Installation wizard to complete postinstallation setup.
  4. If you do not want to alter any settings in the files in SDEHOME\etc, you can continue with the Post Installation wizard as soon as the installation wizard completes.

    If you customized any of the files, open the Post Installation wizard from the Start menu (Start > All Programs > ArcGIS > ArcSDE).

    The Post Installation wizard lets you select configuration files, creates the geodatabase schema, authorizes the software, and creates and starts an ArcSDE service.


  1. Set up the Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) data source and add the data source to the .odbc.ini file.
  2. Modify files in SDEHOME/etc and /etc/services.
  3. Run sdesetup to create the geodatabase schema and authorize the software.
  4. Start an ArcSDE service (if you will use one).

See Also

  • About new installations of the ArcSDE component