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Language support for DB2

Language support for DB2

Release 9.3 E-mail This TopicPrintable VersionGive Us feedback
If you are using Solaris and AIX, a DB2 database is created by default with CODESET ISO8859-1. On Hewlett-Packard 64 bit, the default CODESET is roman8, and on Linux, the default CODESET is ISO-8859-1. On Windows, the default CODESET is IBM-1252. The CODESET is selected when the database is created with the CREATE DATABASE statement and cannot be changed afterward. To change the CODESET and TERRITORY, the database must be re-created and the data reloaded. Consult the DB2 National Language Support Guide for your DB2 release to determine the character set that is right for your data.

Beginning with ArcSDE 9.2, you do not have to set the DB2CODEPAGE variable. If you are using ArcSDE 9.1 or lower, you will need to set this variable. Consult the ArcSDE 9.1 Configuration and Tuning Guide for DB2 .pdf file installed with ArcSDE for information on setting this variable.


See Also

  • Language support in the geodatabase