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GP Service example: Buffer features

GP Service example: Buffer features

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Folder BufferFeatures
Purpose Creates polygons around point, line, or polygon features.
Services BufferFeatures (geoprocessing service).
Geoprocessing tasks Buffer Points, Buffer Lines, Buffer Polygons.
Inputs User digitizes a point, line, or polygon.
Outputs Polygon.
Data None.
Extensions None.
Of note GP Service step-by-step: Buffer points showed you how to build a service that creates buffer polygons around points. This service allows you to create buffers around the three basic feature types: points, lines, and polygons.

Corresponding Folder

C:\arcgis\ArcTutor\GP Service Examples\BufferFeatures contains the completed models and data.


Similar to the BufferPoints service, you need to create schema feature classes for use in the three models. For this service, you need three schema feature classes: one containing point features, one containing line features, and another containing polygon features. Create these feature classes in ToolData/Schemas.gdb.


There is one model for each of the feature types. These models are constructed using the same basic steps as described in GP Service step-by-step: Buffer points. The main difference between the models is that they use different schemas for the input variable to Buffer.

The Buffer Lines model has one additional parameter, the End Type of the line, which is either ROUND or FLAT, as described in the Buffer tool reference. This variable was created as follows:

It is not required that you make a variable for End Type. End Type will default to ROUND if you do not create a variable.


The BufferFeatures toolbox is published using the same basic steps as described in GP Service step-by-step: Buffer points.

See Also

  • GP Service step-by-step: Buffer points
  • Guide to the geoprocessing service examples