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Log file tables in a geodatabase in PostgreSQL

Log file tables in a geodatabase in PostgreSQL

Release 9.3 E-mail This TopicPrintable VersionGive Us feedback
A geodatabase uses log file tables to store lists of table rows.

See Log file configuration options for details on log file tables.

Log file tables in ArcCatalog and ArcMap

You will not see log file tables in ArcCatalog or ArcMap. However, you will cause log file tables to be created and populated when you make a selection in ArcMap that returns a set of 100 or more features.

Log file tables in a PostgreSQL DBMS

When you first install ArcSDE and create your geodatabase in PostgreSQL, the default log file configuration uses shared ArcSDE log files. Shared log files are shared by all sessions that connect as the same user. So if you have multiple users connecting with the same user account, all those sessions will be inserting and deleting records from the same log file data table. The log files are created the first time a selection set of 100 or more records is created using ArcGIS.

Which log file tables you see in your geodatabase depends on which log file configuration is used.

Shared log files

If you use the default shared log files, two tables per DBMS user ID are created and stored in the schema of that DBMS user—sde_logfiles and sde_logfile_data. Once created, these tables remain in the geodatabase; however, all log file entries are deleted when the connecting application deletes all of its log files.

The dashed lines in this and subsequent diagrams denote implicit relationships between tables.

Shared ArcSDE log files tables in PostgreSQL

Session-based log files

If you alter your log file configuration to use session-based log files, you will see the sde_logfiles, sde_logfile_data, and sde_session<sde_id> tables in the geodatabase. These tables will be created in the schema of the user whose session caused the tables to be created. Although created, the sde_logfile_data table is not populated. The sde_logfiles and sde_logfile_data tables remain in the geodatabase, and rows are deleted from the sde_logfiles table when the connecting application disconnects. The sde_session<sde_id> table is truncated when the connecting application no longer needs the log file records (for ArcMap, this means there is no longer a selection set), and the table is dropped when the session disconnects.

ArcSDE session log file tables in PostgreSQL

Stand-alone logfiles

If you use stand-alone log files, for each selection set above the selection threshold made by a session, a new sde_logdata<sde_id>_<#> table is created for each layer. The names of these tables are stored in the logfile_data_table column of sde_logfiles table. The sde_logfiles and sde_logfile_data tables are also created per session, but the sde_logfile_data table isn't populated. Both of these tables are created in the schema of the user who caused them to be created.

Stand-alone log file tables in PostgreSQL

The sde_logdata<sde_id> tables are truncated when the connecting session no longer needs the log files, and the tables are dropped when the session disconnects. Rows are deleted from the sde_logfiles table when the connecting application disconnects.

Pools of log files

The sde_logfile_pool table is created and stored in the schema of the ArcSDE administrator when the geodatabase is created. If you use a pool of stand-alone or session-based log files owned by the ArcSDE administrator, this table will be used, plus sde_logpool_<table_id> tables will be created in the geodatabase. The number of sde_logpool_<table_id> tables created depends on the number you specify for the LOGFILEPOOLSIZE in the sde_server_config table. In the example below, LOGFILEPOOLSIZE is set to 10; therefore, sde_logpool tables 1 through 10 are created.

All the tables created for pools of log files are created in the ArcSDE administrator's schema.

Pools of ArcSDE log file tables in PostgreSQL

NOTE: If MAXSTANDALONELOGS is set to a number greater than 0, and a user that has permissions to create database objects creates a selection set that exceeds the threshold for log files to be created, a stand-alone log file table will be created in that user's schema.

The following are the definitions for the tables that are used for ArcSDE log files.


The sde_logdata<sde_id>_<#> table contains the list of business table records that are part of a stand-alone log file. <sde_id> denotes the session ID and <#> denotes the stand-alone log file sequence. This table is owned by the user who caused the table to be created.

Field name Field type Description
sde_row_id integer The row ID or shape ID of the business table row being logged; log files can log either row IDs, shape IDs, or user IDs.



The sde_logfile_data table contains the list of business table records that are part of each log file. It is owned by the user who caused the table to be created.

Field Name Field Type Description
sde_row_id integer The row ID or shape ID of the business table row being logged; log files can log either row IDs, shape IDs, or user IDs.

Uniquely identifies a record and enables removal of duplicate <logfile_data_id,sde_row_id> values.

logfile_data_id integer Identifies the log file to which the row ID belongs and is a reference to the log file metadata in the sde_logfiles table.



The sde_logfile_pool table maintains the list of log files currently checked out. This table is created upon geodatabase creation and is owned by the ArcSDE administrator user.

Field name Field type Description
table_id integer Identifies the log file pool table.

Primary key.

sde_id integer Identifies which ArcSDE connection is currently using the given log file pool table.

The sde_id is a reference to the sde_id column of the sde_process_information table. If sde_id is NULL, it means this log file pool table is not currently in use.


The sde_logfiles table contains the log file metadata. It is owned by the user who caused it to be created.

Field name Field type Description
logfile_name character varying(255) A unique user-defined (or application-defined) name for the log file.

logfile_id integer Uniquely identifies the log file.

Primary key.

logfile_data_id integer Identifies the log file to which the row ID belongs.

registration_id integer The registration ID of the business table for which IDs are being logged in this log file.

flags integer A bit mask of values that indicate properties of the log file.

session_tag integer A unique identifier for a connection's session, which allows a given ArcSDE connection to purge all temporary log files belonging to its session, for example.

logfile_data_db character varying(32) The name of the database in which the table that's holding the IDs for this log file is stored.
logfile_data_owner character varying(32) The name of the owner of the table that's holding the IDs for this log file.
logfile_data_table character varying(32) The name of the table that is holding the IDs for this log file.

This could be the traditional sde_logfile_data or a log pool table, a session table, or a stand-alone sde_logdata<sde_id>_<#> table.
column_name character varying(32) The name of the column in the business table that is being logged.

Generally, this is the row ID or shape ID, but you can also specify an arbitrary integer column to be logged.


The sde_logpool_<table_id> table can be checked out by users and stores either stand-alone or session-based log files. The <table_id> is the sequence number. These tables are only present if you are using pools of log files owned by the ArcSDE administrator.

Field name Field type Description
logfile_data_id integer Identifies the log file to which the row ID belongs and is a reference to the log file metadata in the sde_logfiles table

sde_row_id integer The row ID or shape ID of the business table row being logged; log files can log either row IDs, shape IDs, or user IDs



The sde_session<sde_id> table is created when you are using session-based log files. This table is used to track log file records when a connected session creates a selection set that exceeds the application threshold (100 records in ArcMap). The sde_session<sde_id> table is dropped when the session disconnects.

Field name Field type Description
logfile_data_id integer Identifies the log file to which the row ID belongs and is a reference to the log file metadata in the sde_logfiles table

sde_row_id integer The row ID or shape ID of the business table row being logged; log files can log either row IDs, shape IDs, or user IDs


Log file tables in an XML workspace document

Log file tables are not stored in XML documents. This means if you export your geodatabase schema to an XML workspace document, after you import the schema, log file tables will get re-created the next time users create a selection set that exceeds the log file threshold.