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User permissions for geodatabases in Informix

User permissions for geodatabases in Informix

Release 9.3 E-mail This TopicPrintable VersionGive Us feedback
The following table lists the minimum required database privileges for common types of users: data viewers, data editors, data creators, and the ArcSDE administrator.

You can use one of the administrative applications that connect to Informix databases, such as Server Studio, to administer user privileges. Or you can use SQL statements to grant and revoke privileges and permissions.

In most cases, owners of individual datasets should use ArcCatalog to set other users' permissions on these datasets. For information on this, see Granting and revoking privileges on datasets.

Note that to perform an upgrade, the ArcSDE administrator must have write permission to either the SDEHOME/geocode directory on the server or the directory to which the TEMP environment variable is set. This is because during an upgrade, ArcSDE attempts to make backups of the locator files in the geocode directory. If that fails, ArcSDE attempts to write the backups to the TEMP directory. If the ArcSDE administrator does not have write permission to either of these directories, a warning is generated and new locators are loaded.

If your users do more than view and issue simple SELECT statements, they need RESOURCE privileges in the Informix database. Resource-level privileges allow the user to do the following:

You can use the GRANT SQL statement and resource keyword to grant this permission to the ArcSDE administrator.

grant resource to <ArcSDE administrator's user name>

Type of user Database permissions Dataset permissions Notes
Data viewer CONNECT

If your database is configured to use shared ArcSDE log files (the default), additional privileges may be needed.

See Log file configuration options for more information.
Data editor RESOURCE SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE on other users' datasets

Data creator RESOURCE

ArcSDE administrator RESOURCE

See Also

  • User permissions
  • Grouping users by access needs
  • The ArcSDE administrative account