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User permissions for geodatabases on ArcSDE database servers

User permissions for geodatabases on ArcSDE database servers

Release 9.3 E-mail This TopicPrintable VersionGive Us feedback
For ArcSDE geodatabases for SQL Server Express, users are added to the database server, then permission to work with geodatabases and datasets is controlled by assigning users and groups to predefined roles in ArcCatalog. The user or group in this case is a Windows-authenticated login that identifies who you are; a role defines the operations you will be able to perform.

The predefined roles and possible permissions given to users and groups are

To learn how to grant or revoke these permissions, see Administering user permissions for ArcSDE database servers.

Only database server administrators can add or remove users. Users or groups must be valid Windows logins. When a new user or group is added to an ArcSDE database server, that user or group will automatically be available in all current and future geodatabases within that ArcSDE database server. In other words, once a user has been added to the database server, that user name will appear in the Permissions dialog box for all geodatabases and datasets on the database server.

Learn more about adding a user or group to an ArcSDE database server