Used in
Application Server Administration Parent elements
Application Server Administration
Administers ArcIMS services from the command line.
- ADMINCMD is used to administer ArcIMS services from the command line. To do this, two files are used:
- A batch file or script
The ADMINCMD XML file contains the instructions for adding, starting, stopping, and removing ArcIMS services. See the examples for proper construction of an ADMINCMD XML file.
On Windows, the batch file contains one line:
<jre directory>\java.exe com.esri.aims.admincore.cmd.Exec Username Password file filename
Where:- <jre directory>\java.exe is the location of a java.exe file. If the directory path has spaces, you must use quotes, for example, "C:\Program Files\arcGIS\ArcIMS\Jre\bin\java.exe"
- is the host machine.
- Username is the user name for ArcIMS administration.
- Password is the password for ArcIMS administration.
- Filename is the full pathname and name of the ADMINCMD XML file, for example, c:\arcims\axl\admincmd.xml.
- Note: the parameter "file" must be included before the filename.
The above command can also be typed on the command line in lieu of using the batch file.
On UNIX, a script file is used. In the following example, note that the line beginning with "java -cp" is all one line:
setenv JARHOME $AIMSHOME/Manager/lib
setenv AIMSHOST $argv[1]
java -cp $JARHOME/jaxp.jar:$JARHOME/parser.jar:$JARHOME/esri_mo10.jar:
$JARHOME/jcert.jar:$JARHOME/jnet.jar:$JARHOME/jsse.jar:$JARHOME/arcims_resadmin.jar com.esri.aims.admincore.cmd.Exec http://$AIMSHOST Username Password file $argv[2]
Where:- $argv[1] is the hostname.
- $argv[2] is the name of the ADMINCMD XML file, for example, admincmd.xml.
- Username and Password are the username and password for ArcIMS adminstration.
- Note: the parameter "file" must be included before $argv[2].
Attribute Descriptions for ADMINCMD
Attribute | Usage |
version | Specifies version of ADMINCMD statement. |
Back to top Examples for ADMINCMD
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ADMINCMD version="1.0">
<SERVICE type="stop" name="world_image" />
<SERVICE type="remove" name="world_image" />
Back to topSearch code: @arcxml_ADMINCMD