Used in



Image  Feature  

Parent elements



<CHARTVALUEAttribute Description Table
     color="0,0,0 - 255,255,255" [0,0,0]

     No Child Elements
(r): Attribute or child element is required.


Sets which fields are used in pie and bar diagrams.

Although chart symbols draw on the map, no information about the chart symbols is displayed in the legend. ArcIMS 9 does not support displaying chart values in the legend.



Attribute Descriptions for CHARTVALUE

colorColor used for segment of pie or bar chart using RGB values.
lookupfieldLookup field for chart segment. The field can be in the layer table or a joined table. Performance is generally better if the field name is all upper case.
  • For shapefiles with no joined tables, the field can be referenced using the short format.
  • For shapefiles with joined tables, the name of the joined table must be included along with the field.
  • For ArcSDE layers without joined tables, the field can be referenced using the short format.
    The fully qualified name can also be used.
  • For ArcSDE layers with joined tables, joined fields must be referenced using the fully qualified format.
Joined tables are valid only with Image Services. They do not work with Feature Services.
lowerUsed together with upper to determine the minimum value for drawing a chart segment.
upperUsed together with lower to determine the maximum value for drawing a chart segment.
valueUsed to change the color of a chart segment depending on user-assigned integer values. All values within the CHARTSYMBOL group are a ratio of the sum of the values.
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Examples for CHARTVALUE

Example 1: Using an ArcSDE layer.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ARCXML version="1.1">
      <LOCALE country="US" language="en" variant="" />
      <UIFONT color="0,0,0" name="Arial" size="12" style="regular" />
      <SCREEN dpi="96" />
      <ENVELOPE minx="-127.34083168343714" miny="27.246314948863663" maxx="-97.31362835016226" maxy="50.018623517052" name="Initial_Extent" />
      <MAPUNITS units="decimal_degrees" />
      <FILTERCOORDSYS id="4326" />
      <FEATURECOORDSYS id="4326"/>
        <SDEWORKSPACE name="sde_ws-4" server="ARCSDENAME" instance="port:5151" user="SDE" encrypted="true" password="OCOBLVWKFCAEHC" />
      <LAYER type="featureclass" name="SDE.US_STATES" visible="true" id="0">
      <DATASET name="SDE.US_STATES" type="polygon" workspace="sde_ws-4" />
          <SIMPLEPOLYGONSYMBOL fillcolor="27,27,227" />
            <CHARTSYMBOL size="30" >
              <CHARTVALUE lookupfield="SDE.US_STATES.POP1990" color="255,0,0" />
              <CHARTVALUE lookupfield="SDE.US_STATES.POP1999" color="0,0,255" />

Example 2: Using upper and lower attributes.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ARCXML version="1.1">
      <LOCALE country="US" language="en" variant="" />
      <UIFONT color="0,0,0" name="Arial" size="12" style="regular" />
      <SCREEN dpi="96" />
      <ENVELOPE minx="-127.87777503188939" miny="30.378245451392196" maxx="-101.1629831289576" maxy="48.55733555119212" name="Initial_Extent" />
      <MAPUNITS units="decimal_degrees" />
      <FILTERCOORDSYS id="4326" />
      <FEATURECOORDSYS id="4326"/>
      <SHAPEWORKSPACE name="shp_ws-0" directory="<path to USA ESRIDATA>" />
    <LAYER type="featureclass" name="States" visible="true" id="0">
      <DATASET name="states" type="polygon" workspace="shp_ws-0" />
            <SIMPLEPOLYGONSYMBOL fillcolor="127,127,27" />
          <SIMPLELABELRENDERER field="POP1990 POP1999">
            <CHARTSYMBOL size="40" transparency="1.0" >
              <CHARTVALUE lookupfield="POP1990" color="255,0,0" lower="0" upper="1000000" />
              <CHARTVALUE lookupfield="POP1990" color="155,0,0" lower="1000001" upper="7000000" />
              <CHARTVALUE lookupfield="POP1990" color="55,0,0" lower="7000001" upper="200000000" />
              <CHARTVALUE lookupfield="POP1999" color="0,0,255" />

Example 3: Using the value attribute.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ARCXML version="1.1">
      <LOCALE country="US" language="en" variant="" />
      <UIFONT color="0,0,0" name="Arial" size="12" style="regular" />
        <ENVELOPE minx="-178" miny="18" maxx="-66" maxy="71" name="Initial_Extent" />
        <MAPUNITS units="decimal_degrees" />
        <FILTERCOORDSYS id="4326" />
        <FEATURECOORDSYS id="4326"/>
        <SHAPEWORKSPACE name="shp_ws-0" directory="Path to USA ESRIDATA" />
      <LAYER type="featureclass" name="STATES" visible="true" id="0">
        <DATASET name="STATES" type="polygon" workspace="shp_ws-0" />
          <SIMPLEPOLYGONSYMBOL fillcolor="27,127,227"/>
        <VALUEMAPLABELRENDERER lookupfield="STATE_NAME" labelfield="POP1999" >
          <EXACT value="Nevada">
              <CHARTSYMBOL size="30" >
                <CHARTVALUE  color="255,0,0" value="526000" />
                <CHARTVALUE  color="0,0,255" value="676000" />
          <EXACT value="California">
              <CHARTSYMBOL size="50" >
                <CHARTVALUE lookupfield="MALES"  color="255,0,0" value="14018000" />
                <CHARTVALUE lookupfield="MALES" color="0,0,255" value="15743000" />

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Search code: @arcxml_CHARTVALUE

Search code: @CHARTVALUE