Used in
Query Feature ArcMap Parent elements
<FIELDS > No Attributes
(m)<FIELD... />
(m): Child element can be used multiple times. |
Provides the framework for a field description.
- In order for a Feature Service to run, at least one layer in the service must be vector data from shapefiles or ArcSDE. If all the layers are raster layers, you must start this service as an Image Service. With Feature Services, this message is written to the Feature Server log file and the Administrator message console.
- If you start an Image Service with only raster layers, this error message is wrriten to the Query Server log. This message is informing you that no layers from the service were started on the Query Server. The message is informational only and nothing is wrong. No message is sent to the Administrator message console.
- The field names #SHAPE# and #ID# are reserved for the shape column and unique feature ID, respectively.
- The value returned for dates is the number of milliseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 GMT.
- For more details on using FIELDS including additional examples, see Using GET_FEATURES and FEATURES.
Examples for FIELDS
Example 1: When outputmode in GET_FEATURES is "xml".<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF8"?>
<ARCXML version="1.1">
<FIELDS AREA="1068927525.00000" PERIMETER="266301.07400" NAME="Redlands" #SHAPE#="[Geometry]" #ID#="1" />
<FEATURECOUNT count="1" hasmore="false" />
Example 2: When outputmode in GET_FEATURES is "newxml".<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF8"?>
<ARCXML version="1.1">
<FIELD name="AREA" value="1068927525.00000" />
<FIELD name="PERIMETER" value="266301.07400" />
<FIELD name="NAME" value="Redlands" />
<FIELD name="#SHAPE#" value="[Geometry]" />
<FIELD name="#ID#" value="1" />
<FEATURECOUNT count="1" hasmore="false" />
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