Used in




Parent elements



<GCSTYLEAttribute Description Table
     (r)name="USAddressZ | USAddress | USSingleHouse | USSingleHouseZ | USSingleRange | USSingleRangeZ | Zip4 | Zip4Range | Zip5 | SingleField | USAddressCityStateZip | USCityState | WorldCityCountry"
     endoffset="0.0 - 50.0" [3.0]
     sideoffset="double" [0.0]
     sideoffsetunits="feet | meters | decimal_degrees" [feet]
     spellingsensitivity="1 - 100" [80]

     When parent element is EXTENSION in map configuration file:
     (r)(m)<GCFIELD... />

     When parent element is EXTENSION in SERVICEINFO response:
     (m)<GCINPUT... />

(r): Attribute or child element is required.
(m):  Child element can be used multiple times.


Identifies the geocoding style used for a layer.



Attribute Descriptions for GCSTYLE

endoffsetAddress styles that use reference data with line geometry, such as USAddress, can interpolate a position along reference features for a geocoded address. In order to prevent features that are located at the end of a reference feature from falling on top of other features (for example, a cross street), the address locator can apply a "squeeze factor", or end offset, to the location of a geocoded address. The end offset setting of an address locator is expressed as a percentage of the length of the reference feature, between 0 and 50 percent. An end offset setting of 0 percent will not offset features from the end of the reference feature. An end offset of 50 percent will locate all features at the middle of the reference feature. Any value greater than 50 is treated as 50 percent. Valid geocoding styles are USAddress, USAddressZ, USSingleRange, and USSingleRangeZ.
nameGeocoding style. See Notes section for a description of the different geocoding styles.
sideoffsetAllows you to specify a side offset for geocoded features. When you specify a side offset, the geocoded feature is placed at the specified distance from the street centerline on the correct side of the street. Valid geocoding styles are USAddress and USAddressZ.
sideoffsetunitsReference data units for sideoffset.
spellingsensitivityControls how much variation the geocoding service allows when it searches for likely candidates in the reference data. A low value for spelling sensitivity allows "Mane", "Maine", and "Man" to be treated as match candidates for "Main". A higher value restricts candidates to exact matches. If you are sure that your addresses are spelled correctly, you can set a higher spelling sensitivity. However, if you think that your addresses may contain spelling errors, then you should use a lower setting. Processing takes longer with a lower setting since scores for more candidates must be computed. A value of "0" is equivalent to the default, which is "80".
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Examples for GCSTYLE

Example 1: USAddressZ Style. Required elements are noted with <!--reqd-->.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ARCXML version="1.1">
      <LOCALE country="US" language="en" variant="" />
      <UIFONT color="0,0,0" name="Arial" size="12" style="regular" />
      <SCREEN dpi="96" />
      <ENVELOPE minx="-71.077092" miny="42.357962" maxx="-71.034511" maxy="42.385263" name="Initial_Extent" />
      <MAPUNITS units="decimal_degrees" />
      <FILTERCOORDSYS id="4326" />
      <FEATURECOORDSYS id="4326"/>
       <SHAPEWORKSPACE name="shp_ws-64" directory="<path to data>" />
      <LAYER type="featureclass" name="Streets" visible="true" id="4">
       <DATASET name="bosstreets" type="line" workspace="shp_ws-64" />
         <SIMPLELINESYMBOL type="solid" width="2" color="255,0,0" />
       <EXTENSION type="Geocode">
         <GCSTYLE name="USAddressZ">
<!--reqd--> <GCFIELD id="FromLeft" name="L_F_ADD" />
<!--reqd--> <GCFIELD id="FromRight" name="R_F_ADD" />
<!--reqd--> <GCFIELD id="ToLeft" name="L_T_ADD" />
<!--reqd--> <GCFIELD id="ToRight" name="R_T_ADD" />
            <GCFIELD id="PreDir" name="PREFIX" />
            <GCFIELD id="PreType" name="PRE_TYPE" />
<!--reqd--> <GCFIELD id="StreetName" name="NAME" />
            <GCFIELD id="StreetType" name="TYPE" />
            <GCFIELD id="SufDir" name="SUFFIX" />
<!--reqd--> <GCFIELD id="LeftZone" name="ZIPL" />
<!--reqd--> <GCFIELD id="RightZone" name="ZIPR" />

Example 2: USAddress Style.
<EXTENSION type="Geocode">
          <GCSTYLE name="USAddress">
<!--reqd--> <GCFIELD id="FromLeft" name="L_F_ADD" />
<!--reqd--> <GCFIELD id="FromRight" name="R_F_ADD" />
<!--reqd--> <GCFIELD id="ToLeft" name="L_T_ADD" />
<!--reqd--> <GCFIELD id="ToRight" name="R_T_ADD" />
            <GCFIELD id="PreDir" name="PREFIX" />
            <GCFIELD id="PreType" name="PRE_TYPE" />
<!--reqd--> <GCFIELD id="StreetName" name="NAME" />
            <GCFIELD id="StreetType" name="TYPE" />
            <GCFIELD id="SufDir" name="SUFFIX" />

Example 3: USSingleHouseZ Style.
<EXTENSION type="Geocode">
   <GCSTYLE name="USSingleHouseZ">
<!--reqd--><GCFIELD id="HouseNum" name="HOUSE_NUM" />
     <GCFIELD id="PreDir" name="PRE_DIR" />
     <GCFIELD id="PreType" name="PRE_TYPE" />
<!--reqd--><GCFIELD id="StreetName" name="STREET_NAM" />
     <GCFIELD id="StreetType" name="STREET_TYP" />
     <GCFIELD id="SufDir" name="SUF_DIR" />
<!--reqd--><GCFIELD id="Zone" name="ZIP" />

Example 4: USSingleHouse Style.
<EXTENSION type="Geocode">
        <GCSTYLE name="USSingleHouse">
<!--reqd--> <GCFIELD id="HouseNum" name="ADDRESS" />
          <GCFIELD id="PreDir" name="PREFIX" />
          <GCFIELD id="PreType" name="PRE_TYPE" />
<!--reqd--> <GCFIELD id="StreetName" name="NAME" />
          <GCFIELD id="StreetType" name="TYPE" />
          <GCFIELD id="SufDir" name="SUFFIX" />

Example 5: USSingleRangeZ Style.
<EXTENSION type="Geocode">
        <GCSTYLE name="USSingleRangeZ">
<!--reqd--> <GCFIELD id="From" name="FROM_ADD" />
<!--reqd--> <GCFIELD id="To" name="TO_ADD" />
          <GCFIELD id="PreDir" name="PREFIX" />
          <GCFIELD id="PreType" name="PRE_TYPE" />
          <GCFIELD id="StreetName" name="NAME" />
<!--reqd--> <GCFIELD id="StreetType" name="TYPE" />
          <GCFIELD id="SufDir" name="SUFFIX" />
<!--reqd--> <GCFIELD id="Zone" name="CFCC" />

Example 6: USSingleRange Style.
<EXTENSION type="Geocode">
        <GCSTYLE name="USSingleRange">
<!--reqd--> <GCFIELD id="From" name="FROM_ADD" />
<!--reqd--> <GCFIELD id="To" name="TO_ADD" />
          <GCFIELD id="PreDir" name="PREFIX" />
          <GCFIELD id="PreType" name="PRE_TYPE" />
<!--reqd--> <GCFIELD id="StreetName" name="NAME" />
          <GCFIELD id="StreetType" name="TYPE" />
          <GCFIELD id="SufDir" name="SUFFIX" />

Example 7: Zip4 Style.
<EXTENSION type="Geocode">
        <GCSTYLE name="Zip4">
<!--reqd--> <GCFIELD id="ZIP" name="ZIP" />
<!--reqd--> <GCFIELD id="ZIP4" name="ZIP4" />

Example 8: Zip4Range Style.
<EXTENSION type="Geocode">
        <GCSTYLE name="Zip4Range">
<!--reqd--> <GCFIELD id="ZIP" name="ZIP" />
<!--reqd--> <GCFIELD id="Zip4Low" name="ZIPL" />
<!--reqd--> <GCFIELD id="Zip4High" name="ZIPH" />

Example 9: Zip5 Style.
<EXTENSION type="Geocode">
        <GCSTYLE name="Zip5">
<!--reqd--> <GCFIELD id="ZIP" name="ZIPL" />

Example 10: SingleField Style.
<EXTENSION type="Geocode">
        <GCSTYLE name="SingleField">
<!--reqd--> <GCFIELD id="KeyField" name="NAME" />

Example 11: USAddressCityStateZip Style.
<EXTENSION type="Geocode">
  <GCSTYLE name="USAddressCityStateZip">
<!--reqd--> <GCFIELD id="FromLeft" name="L_F_ADD" />
<!--reqd--> <GCFIELD id="ToLeft" name="L_T_ADD" />
<!--reqd--> <GCFIELD id="FromRight" name="R_F_ADD" />
<!--reqd--> <GCFIELD id="ToRight" name="R_T_ADD" />
            <GCFIELD id="PreDir" name="PREFIX" />
            <GCFIELD id="PreType" name="PRETYPE4" />
<!--reqd--> <GCFIELD id="StreetName" name="NAME" />
            <GCFIELD id="StreetType" name="TYPE" />
            <GCFIELD id="SufDir" name="SUFFIX" />
            <GCFIELD id="LeftZIP" name="ZIP_L" />
            <GCFIELD id="RightZIP" name="ZIP_R" />
            <GCFIELD id="LeftCity" name="GEONAME_L" />
            <GCFIELD id="RightCity" name="GEONAME_R" />
            <GCFIELD id="State" name="STATE" />

Example 12: USCityState Style.
<EXTENSION type="Geocode">
  <GCSTYLE name="USCityState">
<!--reqd--> <GCFIELD id="CITY" name="CITY_NAME" />
            <GCFIELD id="STATE" name="STATE_NAME" />

Example 13: WorldCityCountry Style.
<EXTENSION type="Geocode">
  <GCSTYLE name="WorldCityCountry">
<!--reqd--> <GCFIELD id="CITY" name="NAME" />
            <GCFIELD id="COUNTRY" name="COUNTRY" />

Example 14: When in a SERVICEINFO response that was routed to the Geocode Server.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ARCXML version="1.1">
        <LOCALE language="en" country="US" />
        <UIFONT name="Arial" color="0,0,0" size="12" style="regular" />
        <SEPARATORS cs=" " ts=";"/>
        <CAPABILITIES forbidden="" disabledtypes=""/>
      <LAYERINFO name="Streets" id="4" >
        <EXTENSION type="geocode">
          <GCSTYLE name="USAddressZ" sideoffset="20" sideoffsetunits="feet" >
            <GCINPUT id="STREET" type="text" label="Street" width="10" description="street number, street name and type" />
            <GCINPUT id="ZONE" type="text" label="Zone" width="5" description="zone information" />
            <GCINPUT id="CROSSSTREET" type="text" label="Cross street" width="10" description="cross street name and type" />

Example 15: When in a SERVICEINFO response.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ARCXML version="1.1">
        <LOCALE language="en" country="US" />
        <UIFONT name="Arial" color="0,0,0" size="12" style="regular" />
        <SEPARATORS cs=" " ts=";"/>
        <CAPABILITIES forbidden="" disabledtypes="" />
        <SCREEN dpi="96" />
        <IMAGELIMIT pixelcount="1048576" />
        <FEATURECOORDSYS id="4326"/>
        <FILTERCOORDSYS id="4326"/>
        <ENVELOPE minx="-71.077172" miny="42.355504" maxx="-71.034431" maxy="42.387721" name="Initial_Extent" />
        <MAPUNITS units="decimal_degrees" />
      <LAYERINFO type="featureclass" visible="true" name="Streets" id="0">
        <FCLASS type="line"></FCLASS>
        <EXTENSION type="Geocode" >
          <GCSTYLE name="USAddressZ" />

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Search code: @arcxml_GCSTYLE

Search code: @GCSTYLE