Used in
Application Server REQUEST Parent elements
<GET_SERVICE_METADATA | Attribute Description Table |
(r)servicename="string" layername="string" >
No Child Elements </GET_SERVICE_METADATA >
(r): Attribute or child element is required.
Gets metadata information for a specified Metadata Service.
- A GET_SERVICE_METADATA request must always be sent to a hidden service named "_ServiceMetadata". You cannot send a request directly to the Metadata Service. For example, suppose you have a Metadata Service named "SanFrancisco". The request is sent to "_ServiceMetadata". The value of servicename in GET_SERVICE_METADATA is "SanFrancisco".
- The response to GET_SERVICE_METADATA request looks similar to the following.
<?xml version="1.0"?> <metadata xml:lang="en"> <Esri> <MetaID> {D2C50C13-51AD-4664-AC6A-893A6CAD5095}</MetaID> <CreaDate> 20051206</CreaDate> <CreaTime> 16281600</CreaTime> <SyncOnce> TRUE</SyncOnce> <ModDate> 20051206</ModDate> <ModTime> 16280000</ModTime> <PublishedDocID> {0B6F7B20-4DF9-4B4C-AD65-3E26F7582AAD}</PublishedDocID> <PublishStatus> Published</PublishStatus> </Esri> <Binary> <Thumbnail> <Data EsriPropertyType="Picture"> Qk3uNw.../////</Data> </Thumbnail> </Binary> <metainfo> <metd Sync="TRUE"> 20051206</metd> </metainfo> <mdDateSt Sync="TRUE"> 20051206</mdDateSt> <dataIdInfo> <idCitation> <resTitle> san francisco data</resTitle> </idCitation> </dataIdInfo> <mdHrLv> <ScopeCd value="005" Sync="TRUE"> </ScopeCd> </mdHrLv> <mdHrLvName Sync="TRUE"> dataset</mdHrLvName> <mdStanName Sync="TRUE"> ISO 19115 Geographic Information - Metadata</mdStanName> <mdStanVer Sync="TRUE"> DIS_ESRI1.0</mdStanVer> <mdChar> <CharSetCd value="005" Sync="TRUE"> </CharSetCd> </mdChar> <idinfo> <citation> <citeinfo> <title> san francisco data</title> </citeinfo> </citation> </idinfo> </metadata>
In order to create or modify metadata for an Image or Feature Service, a user must have metadata_author privileges. Metadata is created in ArcCatalog, and.when connecting to ArcIMS in ArcCatalog, a username and password must be provided. For more information about creating metadata, see "Adding metadata to an ArcIMS service" in the Metadata documentation.
Attribute Descriptions for GET_SERVICE_METADATA
Attribute | Usage |
layername | Name of a feature class or layer available within the service. |
servicename | The name of the Metadata Service for retrieving metadata information. |
Back to top Examples for GET_SERVICE_METADATA
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<GET_SERVICE_METADATA servicename="SanFrancisco" layername="artgalleries" />
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