Used in



Metadata (Publish)  

Parent elements



<PUT_METADATAAttribute Description Table
     content="liveData | downloadableData | offlineData | staticMapImage | document | application | geographicService | clearinghouse | mapFiles | geographicActivities | unknown"
     folder="true | false" [false]
     private="true | false" [false]
     servicetype="metadata | image | feature | wms"

     <ENVELOPE... />
     <THUMBNAIL... />

(r): Attribute or child element is required.


Publishes a metadata document to the Metadata Server.



Attribute Descriptions for PUT_METADATA

contentThe values for this attribute correspond to the content types listed in the drop-down combo box of the Metadata Explorer.

ArcXML Attribute Value Combo Box Content
liveData Live Data and Maps
downloadableData Downloadable Data
offlineData Offline Data
staticMapImage Static Map Images
documentsOther Documents
application Applications
geographicService Geographic Services
clearinghouse Clearinghouses

docidString used to uniquely identify a document. The client used to publish the metadata is responsible for creating the document ID. This ID is automatically assigned when using ArcCatalog. If another client is used, GET_UUID can be used to request a valid ID. The format for an ID is the following:
where H is a hexadecimal digit (0-9,a-f,A-F). The ID is limited to 38 characters.
folderDetermines whether document represents a folder. Use "false" if the document does not contain other documents. Use "true" if the document represents a folder.
nameName that identifies the dataset corresponding to the document.
onlinkA string identifying the location of the dataset corresponding to the document.
parentdocidUnique string for identifying a document belonging to the parent name and parent owner. The client used to publish the metadata is responsible for creating the document ID. This ID is automatically assigned when using ArcCatalog. If another client is used, GET_UUID can be used to request a valid ID. The format for an ID is the following:
where H is a hexadecimal digit (0-9,a-f,A-F). The ID is limited to 38 characters.
privateDetermines whether document is viewable for all users. Use "false" if the document is viewable by all users. Use "true" when the document is viewable only by the document owner.
serverThe URL of the Web server containing data or metadata associated with the document, for example, http://mymachine.domain.com.
serviceThe name of the service containing data or metadata associated with the document.
servicetypeType of ArcIMS service.
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Examples for PUT_METADATA

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<ARCXML version="1.1">
      <PUT_METADATA name="World" docid="{C64D8F38-82B4-11D5-99C2-000086460FA0}" private="false" folder="true" parentdocid="root" >
        <ENVELOPE minx="-180" miny="-90" maxx="180" maxy="90" />
        <!--<?xml version="1.0"?>

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Search code: @arcxml_PUT_METADATA

Search code: @PUT_METADATA