Used in
Image Parent elements
<SEPARATELAYER | Attribute Description Table |
(r)height="number" (r)id="string" (r)width="number" >
No Child Elements </SEPARATELAYER >
(r): Attribute or child element is required.
Acetate layers specified in a SEPARATELAYER are created as a separate image.
- Valid only with Image Services in an ArcIMS HTML Viewer, when using the Web ADF, or other HTML implementation.
- Only acetate layers are supported when using SEPARATELAYER. When an invalid layer type is included, or when id is invalid, no LAYERIMAGE is returned in the response.
- SEPARATELAYER width and height must be equal to or less than IMAGESIZE width and height. The minimum width and height is 2 x 2. In the case where SEPARATELAYER width and height are too large or too small, the image size is reset to the IMAGESIZE width and height.
- The LAYER id of the acetate layer and SEPARATELAYER id must match. If they do not match, the acetate layer is not returned separately, and no LAYERIMAGE is returned in the response.
- If you do not want an acetate layer to be drawn on the map, set LAYER visible="false" for the acetate layer. The separate layer is still generated.
- If ENVELOPE or IMAGESIZE are included in the request, they should correspond to the envelope or image height and width of the map, not any of the acetate layers.
- The OBJECT that the SEPERATELAYER is referencing must have units set to "pixel".
Attribute Descriptions for SEPARATELAYER
Attribute | Usage |
height | Height of the output image. |
id | Must match the id of the acetate LAYER. |
width | Width of the output image. |
Back to top Examples for SEPARATELAYER
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ARCXML version="1.1">
<ENVELOPE minx="-94" miny="32" maxx="-73" maxy="46" />
<IMAGESIZE width="600" height="400" />
<DRAW map="true">
<SEPARATELAYER id="scalebar1" width="240" height="25" />
<LAYER type="acetate" name="scalebar" visible="true" id="scalebar1">
<OBJECT units="pixel" alignment="center" >
<SCALEBAR fontcolor="0,0,0" coords="0 0" barcolor="255,255,255" fontsize="12" screenlength="180" barwidth="3" mapunits="degrees" antialiasing="true" />
Back to topSearch code: @arcxml_SEPARATELAYER