Capabilities files

When a GetCapabilities request is made, the response is a Capabilities file specifying the contents of the service in a standard format. One set of Capabilities files gets created for each ArcIMS service. Details on the format and content of a Capabilities file are available in the WMS Specification. The following information is relevant for WMS services created using the ArcIMS WMS Connector.

Location and name of the Capabilities files

The Capabilities files are located in the Capabilities directory. You assign this directory in the WMS Connector Administrator. The directory does not need to exist ahead of time. Once the directory is created, the format of the Capabilities directory is:

<Capabilities Directory>


Each Capabilities directory contains three capabilities files.

File name Associated WMS Specification Version
capabilities_1_0_0.xml WMS 1.0.0
capabilities_1_1_0.xml WMS 1.1.0
capabilities_1_1_1.xml WMS 1.1.1

Editing the Capabilities files

The Capabilities files generated by the WMS Connector can be edited, although it is not recommended except for service-specific parameters. If possible, edits should be made to a Capabilities XSL stylesheet. For more information on these files, see Editing the Capabilities XSL Stylesheets.

Caution: If you make edits in a Capabilities file and then update the Capabilities in the WMS Connector Administrator, a new file is generated and overwrites the file you edited. Likewise, if you disable a WMS Service, the Capabilities directory for that service is deleted, and all edits are lost.

Edits that should be made in a Capabilities file are:

Relationship to XSL stylesheets

When the WMS Connector creates a Capabilities file, the format is determined by the corresponding Capabilities XSL stylesheet. The stylesheet is where you can make global changes to the Capabilities file that affect all WMS services. For more information on these files, see Editing the Capabilities XSL Stylesheets.

Search code: @about_capabilities