Restarting ArcIMS Monitor and ArcIMS Application Server expand/collapse all
Related Topics

ArcIMS Application Server, Monitor, Spatial Server, and Tasker processes

expand/collapse item About restarting ArcIMS Monitor and ArcIMS Application Server

During the maintenance of your ArcIMS site, you may need to restart the ArcIMS Monitor and Application Server. This happens when you edit a Monitor or Application Server property file or Spatial Server configuration file. You must stop and start the Monitor and Application Server NT Services or UNIX and Linux daemons for the changes to take effect.

On all platforms, when restarting services, you must use the following order:

  1. Stop Monitor.
  2. Stop Application Server.
  3. Start Application Server.
  4. Start Monitor.

The reason for this specific order is that the Application Server must be running before the Monitor can register itself to the Application Server.

If your entire site is using Windows platforms, you only need to restart the Application Server.

  1. Stop Application Server.
  2. Start Application Server.

All Monitors associated with the Application Server, even on remote machines, are automatically restarted. This feature is available on Windows only.

ArcIMS Tasker

ArcIMS Tasker is another NT Service or daemon. It only needs to be restarted when you make changes to or need to restart Tasker for some other reason. You do not need to restart Monitor or the Application Server when you restart Tasker.

For more information about how these NT services and daemons work, see ArcIMS Application Server, Monitor, Spatial Server, and Tasker processes.

expand/collapse item How to restart ArcIMS Monitor and ArcIMS Application Server

expand/collapse item Restarting Monitor and the Application Server on Windows

Option 1: Restarting Monitor and Application Server separately.

  1. Click Start | Settings | Control Panel | Administrative Tools | Services.
  2. In the Services window, right-click ArcIMS Monitor, then click Stop. Repeat this step on all machines running a Monitor.
  3. On the machine with your ArcIMS Application Server, right-click ArcIMS Application Server, then click Stop.
  4. Right-click ArcIMS Application Server, then click Start.
  5. Right-click ArcIMS Monitor, then click Start. Repeat this step on all machines running a Monitor.

Option 2: Restarting only the Application Server.

  1. Click Start | Settings | Control Panel | Administrative Tools | Services.
  2. On the machine with your ArcIMS Application Server, right-click ArcIMS Application Server, then click Stop.
  3. Right-click ArcIMS Application Server, then click Start.

All Monitors associated with the Application Server will automatically restart.

expand/collapse item Restarting Monitor and the Application Server on Unix and Linux

  1. Navigate to the $AIMSHOME/Xenv directory.
  2. Stop ArcIMS Monitor by typing the following command:

    ./aimsmonitor stop &

    Repeat this step on all machines running a Monitor.

  3. On the machine with your ArcIMS Application Server, stop the ArcIMS Application Server by typing the following command:

    ./aimsappsrvr stop &

  4. Start the ArcIMS Application by typing the following command:

    ./aimsappsrvr start &

  5. Start ArcIMS Monitor by typing the following command:

    ./aimsmonitor start &

    Repeat this step on all machines running a Monitor.

expand/collapse item Restarting Tasker on Windows

  1. Click Start | Settings | Control Panel | Administrative Tools | Services.
  2. In the Services window, right-click ArcIMS Tasker, then click Stop.
  3. Right-click ArcIMS Tasker, then click Start.

expand/collapse item Restarting Tasker on Unix and Linux

  1. Navigate to the $AIMSHOME/Xenv directory.
  2. Stop ArcIMS Tasker by typing the following command:

    ./aimstasker stop &

  3. Start ArcIMS Tasker by typing the following command:

    ./aimstasker start &

Search code: @stability_restart