ArcIMS provides requests that allow you to check the status of your ArcIMS site. These requests return information about ArcIMS, such as the version number. When you check the status of your ArcIMS site using the Diagnostic Tool, you are sending a similar URL to the Servlet Connector and Application Server.
The following URL requests are available:
http://<server>/servlet/com.esri.esrimap.Esrimap?cmd=ConnectorPing or http://<server>/servlet/com.esri.esrimap.Esrimap?cmd=GetVersion or http://<server>/servlet/com.esri.esrimap.Esrimap?cmd=Ping |
Where <server> is the name and domain of your Web server.
If the Servlet Connector is working properly during ConnectorPing, your browser will display:
Test successful"
If the Application Server is working properly during GetVersion, your browser will display:
"Build Number=xxx.yyyy
If the Servlet Connector is enabled during Ping, your browser will display "IMS vX".