Adding Source Datasets

You can add one source dataset file, or specify multiple files to include all at once.

Adding a Source Dataset

  1. Select Add Dataset from the Source Data menu on the menu bar.

  2. Specify the format and dataset filename. See Choosing from the Formats List.

  3. Specify settings and coordinate system (if applicable), and press OK.

The log window will display processing information, and the dataset will appear in the source area of your workspace.


  • If you drag the file directly onto the Workbench canvas, the Insert Source Dataset dialog box will appear with the format and dataset name already filled in.

  • You can change the displayed name of a source dataset by right-clicking on it in the Navigator pane, and choosing Rename.

Adding Multiple Source Datasets

If you want to add more source datasets that are in the same format as the existing source dataset in your workspace, follow the instructions in Merging Similar Datasets.

To extend the input of your workspace to include multiple source datasets that are in a different format than your existing source dataset:

  1. Select Add Dataset from the Source Data menu on the menu bar.

  2. Specify the format.

  3. Enter a dataset filename.

  4. To select multiple datasets, click  . Type directly in the Directory field (you can use wildcards to include all files of a specific format), or click Add Folder button to browse for a specific directory name. Click the Subfolders box to also include all subfolders below that directory. If you know that files are the same schema, check the Identical Schemas box (this can have an effect on overall processing time if you have many datasets).

  5. Specify settings and the coordinate system (if applicable).

  6. Press OK.

The log pane will display processing information, and the dataset will appear in the source area of your workspace.

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