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Open a 3D published map in ArcReader and find a place


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With 3D published map documents, you can find, measure, identify, use hyperlinks, and swipe layers as you do in 2D maps. In addition, the 3D globe environment allows for rotating the globe in many directions and flying through various geographic locations.

To find a place, click the Find tool to open the Find dialog box, then click the Places tab.

You need an Internet connection to use the 'World Gazetteer ESRI' service to find a place. If you are signed in to ArcWeb Services, you will see additional options in the Service dropdown menu.

In the Find place text box, type the name of the place you want to find (in this example it is “Angelus Oaks”) then click Find.

Right-click the location in the results section of the Find dialog box, and click Zoom to place. ArcReader zooms to that location.

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