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Open the StreetMap USA map and explore the data |
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The StreetMap USA data and map document can be accessed from the Data & Maps/StreetMap USA DVD. You have the option to put the Data & Maps/StreetMap USA data DVD in your computer, copy the StreetMap USA data to your local hard drive, or find where the data from this DVD is located on your network.
StreetMap is automatically installed with ArcGIS. The install loads StreetMap but not the StreetMap USA data, which can be accessed from the DVD or copied with its map document to a local or network drive.
The map contains a group layer named StreetMap USA Data. This layer provides different levels of detail at different map scales. Each of the layers appear when the map’s scale falls within the appropriate range for that layer. For example, the Local Streets layer in the Streets and Highways category appears on the map when the map’s scale is 1:200,000 or larger.
Try zooming in and out or setting the map to different scales. Click the plus sign next to a layer category to see the individual layers it contains. Layers that aren’t currently drawn on the map have gray check boxes. Look at a layer’s properties to see the map scale at which it appears and the data that it references. If you zoom to an area with a map scale of 1:20,000 or larger, the detail streets are drawn in thick double lines.