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Find an address using StreetMap data |
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You can use the StreetMap USA address locator to locate addresses with the StreetMap data.
In the Find dialog box, click the Addresses tab. If you have not previously selected an address locator, you will need to click the folder icon and browse for one. The StreetMap USA data set provides a StreetMap USA address locator for geocoding addresses in the United States. It can be found on the ESRI Data & Maps/StreetMap USA DVD in the usa/streetmap_usa/streets folder. The name of the file is StreetMap USA.loc. Double-click on it and the Find dialog box will appear.
Type a valid U.S. street or intersection address containing the street, city, state abbreviation, and a 5-digit ZIP Code and click Find.
The candidates appear in the list below the Find dialog box. Right-click the top candidate in the list and click Add Labeled Point.
A graphic point representing the address’s location appears on the map. Your map’s scale will remain the same. If a large area is displayed on the map, right-click the top candidate again and click Zoom To. The map will zoom to the Local level; this gives you a better look at where the address is located.