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You can add a view to the Contents window to help provide additional viewpoints for specific aspects of the map's content. Every view that you add has two elements associated with it, the location and height of an observer and the location and height of a target; these two elements define the view. You can use views as shortcuts to position the map exactly as you want others to see it, for example, you might want to show a site within its surrounding landscape, as well as viewpoints outward from within the site.

The following table summarizes the actions you can perform on a view; the controls are present on the Tools tab and/or on the context menu that appears when you right-click a view.

ClickTo do this
Go ToNavigate to the view.
Show PopupDisplay the Popup window associated with the view.
ShareShare the view as a Map Content file (.nmc)
E-MailSend a copy of the current view as an attachment to an e-mail message.
RemoveRemove the view. Note that you can't undo this operation.
RenameSelect the view's name for editing.
Move to FolderMove the view to a folder.
PropertiesDisplay the View Properties dialog, in which you can reset the view.