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An overview of creating feature classes

An overview of creating feature classes

Release 9.3 E-mail This TopicPrintable VersionGive Us feedback
Note: This topic was updated for 9.3.1.

NOTE: This topic assumes that you have a basic understanding of feature classes. If not, please read Feature class basics and Modeling feature classes before you continue.

A feature class is a collection of geographic features that share the same geometry type (such as point, line, or polygon), and the same attribute fields for a common area. Streets, well points, parcels, soil types, and census tracts are examples of feature classes.

Related feature classes are often grouped together in a feature dataset. If you want to use topology to manage how features share geometry, build a geometric network for a utility layer, build a network dataset for routing and optimization, or build a terrain (a TIN data structure), you need to organize your feature classes in a feature dataset.

There are four primary ways to create a new feature class in your geodatabase:

You create empty feature classes in ArcCatalog. A new feature class can be created as part of a feature dataset or as a stand-alone feature class in a geodatabase. They can also be contained within the following structures: shapefile, coverage, CAD, SDC, and VPF.

The following topic, Defining feature class properties, details the properties and options available when creating a new feature class.

If you feel you are comfortable with feature classes and their properties, skip directly to How to create feature classes.

Once you've created a feature class and populated it with features, you may be able to speed up attribute queries by creating attribute indexes. See Creating attribute indexes for more information.