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An overview of tables

An overview of tables

Release 9.3 E-mail This TopicPrintable VersionGive Us feedback
Note: This topic was updated for 9.3.1.

The attributes and properties of geographic objects are stored and managed in tables. Tabular information is the basis of geographic features, allowing you to visualize, query, and analyze your data.

Basic information on tables

NOTE: In ArcGIS, rows are also known as records and columns as fields or attributes.

A column's data type defines the kind of data it is able to store and, therefore, the nature of the attribute that column represents. Data types are classifications that identify possible values for and operations that can be done on the data as well as the way the data in that column is stored in the database.

The geodatabase uses the following data types to store and manage attributes:

An example of a typical table is one containing parcel information as seen in the graphic below. Each row in the table represents a separate parcel, which has all the same attribute columns as the ones above and below it. Some attributes stored in these columns could be Parcel ID, Zone, and Property ID. These attributes are stored as appropriate data types. For example, the Parcel ID value is stored as short integer, and the Zone is stored as text. The table organizes the parcel data and makes information manageable and easily attainable.

The attribute table for a parcels layer

Example tasks you can perform with tables

There are many mapping, analysis, and data management tasks you can perform using tabular data.

Common tables workflows

Below are some common tables-related tasks and information about where you can go in this help system to find more information. Click the links to go to more detailed help topics.

In addition, there are many geoprocessing tools available within ArcGIS that allow you to perform tasks such as data conversion and management on tables and attribute data. Many tools are available with any ArcGIS license, although some may require an ArcEditor or ArcInfo license. See the documentation for the particular tool for details on usage, parameters, and licenses.

Common task or workflow Where to go for more information Available geoprocessing tools
Creating a new table

Creating tables

To learn about other types of data sources you can use in tables, see Creating new tables and About tabular data sources.

Create Table

Importing, copying, and converting tabular data sources Importing tables

An overview of adding datasets to the geodatabase

To learn about the importing process and the geodatabase, see How data converts when importing.

Table To Geodatabase

Table To Table

Table To dBASE

Copy Rows

Adding fields Adding and deleting fields

To learn about fields and their data types, see Geodatabase field data types.

Add Field

Delete Field

Displaying tables Adding and viewing tables in ArcMap

Previewing a table in ArcCatalog

Setting field properties, aliases, and table display options

Make Table View

Creating associations among tables such as joining, relating, and using relationship classes About joining and relating tables

Joining tables

Relating tables

Relationships and ArcGIS

Deciding between relationship classes, joins, and relates

Add Join

Remove Join

Create Relationship Class

Editing attribute values Editing values in a table

Editing attributes

Calculating the values in fields Making field calculations

Working with date fields

Calculate Field
Printing tables

Printing a table

Creating a layer from a table with x,y coordinate data

Adding x,y coordinate data as a layer

Make XY Event Layer
Using linear referencing An overview of linear referencing An overview of the Linear Referencing toolbox

Geocoding a table of addresses

An overview of geocoding An overview of the Geocoding toolbox

See Also

  • About tabular data sources
  • Creating new tables
  • About joining and relating tables
  • Editing values in a table
  • Deciding between relationship classes, joins, and relates
  • Adding and viewing tables in ArcMap
  • Geodatabase field data types
  • About ObjectID fields
  • Table basics