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System tables of a geodatabase in SQL Server

System tables of a geodatabase in SQL Server

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The system tables for a geodatabase enforce geodatabase behavior, store information about the geodatabase, and keep track of the data stored in the geodatabase.

To see a diagram of the geodatabase system tables, click here. (You will need Adobe Reader to open this file.)

The following is an alphabetical list and description of the system tables for a geodatabase stored in a SQL Server DBMS. You can use the links below to jump to sections of the list.

GDB tables SDE tables ST_views

NOTE: The system tables should not be altered using anything other than the ArcGIS software.


The GCDRULES table stores the geocoding rules that are used by address locators to match addresses. Each record in the GCDRULES table corresponds to a geocoding rule file.

Field name Field type Description
ID int The table's primary key
STYLE varchar(32) Name of the geocoding rule set

Nulls allowed
TYPE varchar(3) The type of geocoding rule file; represented by a three-letter code

cls = Classification table

dct = Match key dictionary

pat = Pattern

stn = Standardization processes

mat = Matching specification

tbl = Additional tables (optional)

Nulls allowed
DATA image The contents of the geocoding rule file

Nulls allowed


The GDB_ANNOSYMBOLS table contains feature class annotation.

Field name Field type Description
ID int Primary key
SYMBOL image Stores the annotation symbology

Nulls allowed


The GDB_ATTRRULES table contains the attribute rules in the geodatabase.

Field name Field type Description
RuleID int Identification number of the attribute rule; corresponds to the RuleID column in the GDB_VALIDRULES table

Primary key
Subtype int Subtype code associated with the rule
FieldName varchar(32) Field with which the rule is associated
DomainName varchar(160) Name assigned to the attribute domain in the geodatabase; references DomainName field in the GDB_DOMAINS table


The GDB_CODEDDOMAINS table contains values for each coded-value domain.

Field name Field type Description
DomainID int Unique identifier of the domain; corresponds to the ID field in the GDB_DOMAINS table

Primary key
CodedValues image Contains the set of coded values and their descriptions


The GDB_DEFAULTVALUES table contains the default values for fields at the subtype or object class level.

Field name Field type Description
ClassID int The object class ID; foreign key to the ID field of the GDB_OBJECTCLASSES table
FieldName varchar(32) The name of the field to which the default value applies
Subtype int Subtype code for which the default value is specified for a particular field
DefaultString varchar(160) The text that is the default value for a field that is a string type

Nulls allowed
DefaultNumber numeric The numeric value that is the default for a field that is an integer type

Nulls allowed


The GDB_DOMAINS table contains the attribute constraints associated with attribute rules of the GDB_ATTRRULES table.

Field name Field type Description
ID int Unique identifier of the domain.

Primary key.
Owner varchar(32) User who created the attribute domain.
DomainName varchar(160) Name assigned to the attribute domain in the geodatabase.
Description varchar(255) Optional text describing the attribute domain.

Nulls allowed.
DomainType int Code indicating whether this is a range (1) or coded value (2) domain.
FieldType int Code indicating what type of field the domain applies to:

0 = Short integer

1 = Long integer

2 = Float

3 = Double

4 = Text

5 = Date
MergePolicy int Code indicating the policy to use to assign to the resultant feature when two features are merged:

1 = sum values—The attribute of the feature that results from a merge will be the sum of the values of the two original (premerge) features.

2 = geometry weighted—The attribute of the feature that results from a merge is the weighted average of the values of the attributes of the original (premerge) features. The average is based on the original features' geometry.

3 = default value—The attribute of the feature created as a result of the merge will be the same as the default value of the feature class or subtype. (Note: This is the only merge policy value available for nonnumeric fields and coded value domains.)
SplitPolicy int Code indicating the policy to be used for assigning attributes to the features that result from splitting one feature:

1 = geometry ratio—The attributes of the features resulting from the split are a ratio of the original feature's (presplit) value. The ratio is based on the ratio in which the geometry is divided by the split.

2 = duplicate—The attribute of the features resulting from the split are the same as the original object's (presplit) attribute value.

3 = default value—The attributes of features resulting from the split take on the default value for the attribute as defined in the feature class or subtype.


The GDB_EDGECONNRULES table contains one record per edge connectivity rule in a geometric network.

Field name Field type Description
RuleID int The unique ID for a rule in the geodatabase and foreign key to the ID field in the GDB_VALIDRULES table
FromClassID int The Object Class ID of the from feature class and the foreign key to the ID in the GDB_GEOMNETWORKS table
FromSubtype int The subtype of the from edge feature class
ToClassID int The Object Class ID of the to feature class and the foreign key to the ID in the GDB_GEOMNETWORKS table
ToSubtype int The subtype of the to edge feature class
Junctions image Contains information related to the junction feature class


The GDB_EXTENSIONDATASETS table contains information about the dataset extensions (such as network datasets or terrain datasets) in a geodatabase.

Field name Field type Description
ID int Unique identification number for the network dataset

Primary key
DatabaseName varchar(32) The name of the geodatabase in which the dataset was created
Owner varchar(32) Owner of dataset
Name varchar(160) Name of the dataset
DatasetID int Foreign key to DataSetID field in related tables
Properties image Properties specific to the dataset

Nulls allowed
DatasetType int The type of dataset within the geodatabase


The GDB_EXTENSIONS table stores the extensions registered with this geodatabase.

Field name Field type Description
ID int Unique identifier of the workspace extension

Primary key
Name varchar(160) Name of the workspace extension
CLSID varchar(38) GUID that uniquely identifies the extension of an object class


The GDB_FEATURECLASSES table contains information on all the feature classes in the geodatabase.

Field name Field type Description
ObjectClassID int Foreign key to the ID field in the GDB_OBJECTCLASSES table
FeatureType int Code representing the type of feature

1 = point, multipoint, line, polygon, or multipatch

7 = junctions

8 = simple edges

10 = complex edges

11 = annotation

13 = dimension

14 = raster
GeometryType int Code representing the type of geometry of the feature class

1 = point

2 = multipoint

3 = line

4 = polygon (including annotation and dimension)

9 = multipatch
ShapeField varchar(32) Name of the shape field in the feature class
GeomNetworkID int Foreign key to ID field in the GDB_GeomNetworks table

Nulls allowed
GraphID int Foreign key to ID GDB_Networks table

Nulls allowed


The GDB_FEATUREDATASET table tracks information about feature classes grouped into datasets in the geodatabase. These include feature datasets, raster datasets, replica datasets, terrain datasets, survey datasets, and network datasets.

Field name Field type Description
ID int Uniquely identifies the feature dataset

Primary key
DatabaseName varchar(32) The name of the geodatabase in which the feature dataset resides
Owner varchar(32) User who created the feature dataset
Name varchar(160) Name of the feature dataset
SRID int Spatial reference ID number; foreign key to SDE_spatial_references table


The GDB_FIELDINFO table contains the field name, default domain names values, and default string and number values for specific attribute fields associated with an object class.

Field name Field type Description
ClassID int Foreign key to the ID field in the GDB_OBJECTCLASSES table
FieldName varchar(160) Name of the field in the table
AliasName varchar(160) Alternate name assigned to the field (Aliases can be altered after field creation; the field name cannot.)

Nulls allowed
ModelName varchar(160) Alternate name assigned to the field used to identify a type of field without requiring a hard-coded name

Nulls allowed
DefaultDomainName varchar(160) Name of the domain associated with the field

Nulls allowed
DefaultValueString varchar(160) If the field is type text, the default value assigned to it

Nulls allowed
DefaultValueNumber numeric If the field is a numeric type, the default value assigned to it

Nulls allowed
IsRequired Integer 0 (not a required field) or 1 (a required field)
IsSubtypeFixed Integer Denotes whether subtype is set for the field

0 = yes

1 = no
IsEditable Integer 0 (not editable) or 1 (editable)


The GDB_GEOMNETWORKS table contains one record per geometric network in the geodatabase. If no stand-alone logical networks or network datasets exist in the geodatabase, there will be a one-to-one mapping of the GDB_GEOMNETWORKS and GDB_NETWORKS tables.

Field name Field type Description
ID int Unique identifier for geometric network in the geodatabase

Primary key
DatabaseName varchar(32) The name of the geodatabase in which the geometric network was created
Owner varchar(32) The name of the user who created the geometric network
Name varchar(160) The name of the geometric network
NetworkType int The type of geometric network
DataSetID int Foreign key to ID field in GDB_OBJECTCLASSES table


The GDB_HISTORICALMARKERS table contains a list of markers used for navigating moments in a historical version.

Field name Field type Description
HM_NAME varchar(64) The name of the historical marker
HM_TIMESTAMP datetime The moment the historical marker references


The GDB_JNCONNRULES contains one record per junction connectivity rule in a geometric network.

Field name Field type Description
RuleID int Primary key, the unique ID for a rule in a geodatabase and the foreign key to the ID field in the GDB_VALIDRULES table
EdgeClassID int The Object Class ID of the edge feature class and the foreign key to the ID field in the GDB_GEOMNETWORKS table
EdgeSubtype int The subtype of the edge feature class
EdgeMinCard int The minimum edge cardinality (the minimum number of edges to which a junction can connect)
EdgeMaxCard int The maximum edge cardinality (the maximum number of edges to which a junction can connect)
JunctionClassID int The Object Class ID of the junction feature class and the foreign key to the ID field in the GDB_GEOMNETWORKS table
JunctionSubtype int The subtype of the junction feature class
JunctionMinCard int The minimum junction cardinality (the minimum number of junctions to which an edge can connect)
JunctionMaxCard int The maximum junction cardinality (the maximum number of junctions to which an edge can connect)
IsDefault int Will contain a value of 0 or 1 indicating if a junction is a default junction and has been created automatically

Nulls allowed


The GDB_NETCLASSES table contains one record per feature class that participates in a geometric network in a geodatabase.

Field name Field type Description
ClassID int The Object Class ID of a feature class in a geodatabase and the foreign key to the ID field in the GDB_GEOMNETWORKS table.
NetworkID int The unique ID for a geometric network in a geodatabase.
EnabledField varchar(32) The Enabled field name for the feature class (usually "Enabled").

Every feature class in a geometric network must have an Enabled field.
AncillaryRole int Indicates whether the junction feature class acts as a source or a sink in a geometric network.

Nulls allowed.
AncillaryField varchar(32) The AncillaryRole field name for the feature class (usually "AncillaryRole").

Nulls allowed.


The GDB_NETWEIGHTASOCS table contains one record per association between the network classes and the network weights of the geometric networks.

Field name Field type Description
NetworkID int The unique ID for a geometric network in a geodatabase and a foreign key to the ID field in the GDB_GEOMNETWORKS table
WeightID int The unique ID of a weight in a geometric network and the foreign key to the ClassID field in the GDB_NETCLASSES table
TableName varchar(160) The name of the table containing the field with which the network weight has been associated
FieldName varchar(32) The name of the field with which the weight has been associated


The GDB_NETWEIGHTS table contains one record per weight for the networks in a geodatabase.

Field name Field type Description
OID int The unique ID of a weight in a geodatabase
NetworkID int The unique ID for the network in a geodatabase and the foreign key to the ID fields in the GDB_GEOMNETWORKS, GDB_NETWORKS, and GDB_EXTENSIONDATASETS tables
Name varchar(160) The name of the weight, which must be unique in each network
WeightID int The unique ID of the weight in the network
WeightType int A value indicating the type of network weight
BitGateSize int A value from 0 to 31 indicating the size of the BitGate weight

(NonBitGate weights have a value of 0.)

Nulls allowed
ElementTypes int Denotes the type of network weight

Nulls allowed


The GDB_NETWORKS table contains one record per logical network in the geodatabase.

Field name Field type Description
ID int The unique ID and primary key of the logical network in a geodatabase.
DatabaseName varchar(32) The name of the geodatabase in which the network was created.
Owner varchar(32) The name of the user who created the network.
Name varchar(160) The name of the logical network, which must be unique in the geodatabase.
NetworkType int A value indicating the type of network.

All networks—geometric networks and network datasets—created using ArcGIS Desktop will have a value of 1=esriNTUtilityNetwork.
DatasetID int The ID of the feature dataset in which the geometric network resides.

Foreign key to the ID field in the GDB_FEATUREDATASETS table.
IndexType int

Normalized int Identifies the type of logical network associated with either a geometric network or network dataset.


The GDB_OBJECTCLASSES contains all the object classes in the geodatabase. Object classes in the geodatabase include feature classes, relationship classes, raster catalogs, topologies, and stand-alone tables.

Field name Field type Description
ID int Unique identifier for the object class

Primary key
DatabaseName varchar(32) The name of the geodatabase in which the object class was created
Owner varchar(32) User who owns the object class
Name varchar(160) Name of the object class
AliasName varchar(160) Alternative name of the object class

Nulls allowed
ModelName varchar(38) Alternate name of the object class; used to identify the type of entity without requiring a hard-coded name

Nulls allowed
CLSID varchar(38) GUID that uniquely identifies the type of object class
EXTCLSID varchar(38) GUID that uniquely identifies the extension of an object class

Nulls allowed
EXTPROPS image Stores the properties of the associated class extension

Nulls allowed
SubtypeField varchar(32) Name of the field in the object class for defining subtypes

Nulls allowed
DatasetID int Foreign key to the ID field in the GDB_FEATUREDATASET table

Nulls allowed


The GDB_RANGEDOMAINS table contains the range of values for each range domain.

Field name Field type Description
DomainID int Foreign key to the ID field in the GDB_DOMAINS table
MinValue numeric The lowest allowable value in the range
MaxValue numeric The greatest allowable value in the range


The GDB_RASTERCATALOGS table stores a reference to each raster catalog in the geodatabase.

Field name Field type Description
ObjectClassID int Foreign key to the ID field in the GDB_OBJECTCLASSES table
RasterField varchar(32) Name of the raster field
IsRasterDataset int 0 (not a raster dataset) or 1 (a raster dataset)


The GDB_RELCLASSES table contains the table relationships in the geodatabase. All the system metadata required to manage relationships, such as the cardinality and the IDs of the origin and destination classes, is stored in the GDB_RELCLASSES table.

Field name Field type Description
ID int Unique identifier of the relationship class.

Primary key.
DatabaseName varchar(32) The name of the geodatabase in which the relationship was created.
Owner varchar(32) User who owns the relationship class.
Name varchar(160) Name of the relationship class.
OriginClassID int ID of the origin object class.
DestClassID int ID of the destination object class.
ForwardLabel varchar(255) Label that describes the relationship when navigating from origin class to destination class.

Nulls allowed.
BackwardLabel varchar(32) Label that describes the relationship when navigating from destination class to origin class.

Nulls allowed.
Cardinality int Code representing the type of cardinality of the relationship class:

1 = one to one.

2 = one to many.

3 = many to many.
Notification int Code indicating the notification direction:

1 = none (no messages propagated).

2 = forward (origin to destination).

3 = backward.

4 = both (forward and backward notification).
IsComposite int If a relationship class is composite, destination objects cannot exist independently of their related origin objects.

Possible values are

0 (is simple, not composite) or 1 (is composite).
IsAttributed int Indicates whether or not this is an attributed relationship.
OriginPrimaryKey varchar(32) The name of the primary key field of the origin object class.
DestPrimaryKey varchar(32) The name of the primary key field in the destination object class.
OriginForeignKey varchar(32) The name of the foreign key field of the origin object class.
DestForeignKey varchar(32) The name of the foreign key field in the destination object class.
DatasetID int Foreign key to the GDB_FEATUREDATASET table.

Nulls allowed.


The GDB_RELEASE table stores geodatabase version release information as a single record. This single record reflects the current version installed.

Field name Field type Description
Major int Number of the release for the geodatabase. For example, ArcGIS 8 was the first major release for the geodatabase, 9 was the second.
Minor int The number of the minor release. For example, for ArcSDE 9.1, this would be 1.
Bugfix int Not in use at this time.

The number of the patch or service pack installed. If 0, no service pack or patch is installed.


The GDB_RELRULES table contains the object class relationship rules.

Field name Field type Descripton
RuleID int Unique identifier of the rule and foreign key to the ID field in the GDB_VALIDRULES table

Primary key
OriginSubtype int The subtype of the origin feature class
OriginMinCard int Minimum number of origin features to which a destination feature can connect
OriginMaxCard int Maximum number of origin features to which a destination feature can connect
DestSubtype int The subtype of the destination feature class
DestMinCard int Minimum number of destination features to which an origin feature can connect
DestMaxCard int Maximum number of destination features to which an origin feature can connect


The GDB_REPLICADATASETS table contains information relating to each dataset that was checked out or replicated.

Field name Field type Description
ID int The unique ID for each record in the table

Primary key
ReplicaID int The ID of the replica in the parent database
DatasetType int The type of each dataset in the replica
DatasetID int The ID of each dataset in the replica
ParentOwner varchar(32) The owner of the data in the parent geodatabase
ParentDB varchar(32) The name of the database in the parent database

Nulls allowed


Each time a replica exports or imports changes, information about the operation is stored in the GDB_REPLICALOG table.

Field name Field type Description
ID int Unique identifier for row.
ReplicaID int Foreign key to the ID field in the GDB_REPLICAS table.
Event int Indicates if an import (1) or an export (2) has been logged.
ErrorCode int The error code associated with the event; you can search the developer help to get the description associated with the error. If the event was successful, a success error code is returned.
LogDate datetime The date on which the event occurred.
SourceBeginGen int Several generations of data changes may be imported or exported in one event. This value indicates the generation number of the first generation of changes involved. For example, if generations 1 to 3 were imported, this field would have the value 1.
SourceEndGen int Several generations of data changes may be imported or exported in one event. This value indicates the generation number of the last generation of changes involved. For example, if generations 1 to 3 were imported, this field would have the value 3.
TargetGen int The generation to which changes are to be applied; this value is used to apply changes to the appropriate version in the target replica.


The GDB_REPLICAS table contains the metadata for each replica in the geodatabase.

Field name Field type Description
ID int Unique identifier for the replica (child) version

Primary key
Name varchar(32) Name of the replica (child) version of the geodatabase
Owner varchar(32) User who owns the replica (child) version of the geodatabase
Version varchar(64) Name of the replica version in the parent geodatabase
ParentID int ID of the replica in the parent geodatabase
RepDate datetime Date and time the replica was created
DefQuery image Contains the replica description, which describes datasets and filters that define the replica
RepGuid varchar(36) The GUID value that uniquely identifies the replica across geodatabases
RepCInfo varchar(1800) The connection information for the relative replicas geodatabase

Nulls allowed
Role int Indicates if a replica has the role of parent or child


The GDB_REPLICASEX table has additional information about each replica that is stored in the GDB_REPLICAS table. It also has one record of metadata for each replica.

Field name Field type Description
ID int Unique identifier for the row

Primary key
ReplicaID int Foreign key to ID field in GDB_REPLICAS table
RProps image Extra replica properties, such as generation numbers or replica state, stored in this field

Nulls allowed
DProps image Replica description parameters


The GDB_SPATIALRULES table is not in use at this time.

Field name Field type Description
RuleID int Primary key
Subtype int

SpatialRel int

Distance numeric

RefClassID int

RefFSubtype int


The GDB_SUBTYPES table contains the valid subtypes of the geodatabase object classes.

Field name Field type Description
ID int Unique identifier of the subtype

Primary key
ClassID int Foreign key to the ID field in the GDB_OBJECTCLASSES table
SubtypeCode int Numeric code value representing a subtype; corresponds to the Subtypes Code on the Subtypes tab of the Feature Class Properties dialog box in ArcCatalog

Foreign key to Subtype field in GDB_DEFAULTVALUES table and DestClassSubtype field in the GDB_TOPORULES table
SubtypeName varchar(160) Name of the subtype; corresponds to the Subtype Description on the Subtypes tab of the Feature Class Properties dialog box in ArcCatalog


The GDB_TABLES_LAST_MODIFIED table is used to validate geodatabase system tables when cached by the client application.

Field name Field type Description
table_name varchar(160) Name of the geodatabase system table
last_modified_count int Keeps a count of the number of times a system table is modified; incrementally increases each time the system table is modified


The GDB_TOOLBOXES table contains one record of metadata for each toolbox stored in the geodatabase.

Field name Field type Description
ID int Unique identifier for the toolbox

Primary key
DatabaseName varchar(32) The name of the geodatabase in which the toolbox was created
Owner varchar(32) User who created the toolbox in the geodatabase
Name varchar(160) Name given to the toolbox
DisplayName varchar(255) The label of the toolbox

Nulls allowed
Alias varchar(160) Alternative name for the toolbox

Nulls allowed
HelpFile varchar(255) Path to the help file containing the help topic for the toolbox

Nulls allowed
HelpContext int Help context ID from the help file for the help topic associated with the toolbox

Nulls allowed


The GDB_TOPOCLASSES table contains one record per feature class that participates in a topology.

Field name Field type Description
ClassID int Unique identifier of the topology class;

foreign key to ID field in the GDB_OBJECTCLASSES table
TopologyID int Foreign key to ID field in GDB_TOPOLOGIES table
Weight numeric Not in use
XYRank int The rank in the x,y domain assigned to the feature class in the topology
ZRank int The rank in the z domain assigned to the feature class in the topology
EventsOnAnalyze int Indicates if an event is broadcast when topology is validated


The GDB_TOPOLOGIES table contains one record per topology in the geodatabase.

Field name Field type Description
ID int Primary key and the unique ID for the topology in the geodatabase
DatabaseName varchar(32) The name of the geodatabase in which the topology was created
Owner varchar(32) The owner of the topology (the user who created the topology)
Name varchar(160) The name of the topology
DatasetID int The feature dataset in which the topology resides and the foreign key to the ID field in the GDB_FEATUREDATASET table
Properties image Stores information such as the cluster tolerance, max error count, state, and configuration keyword

Nulls allowed


The GDB_TOPORULES table contains one record per rule in each topology.

Field name Field type Description
RuleID int Unique identifier of the topology rule; foreign key to the ID field in the GDB_VALIDRULES table
OriginClassID int Foreign key to ClassID field in GDB_TOPOCLASSES table
OriginSubtype int Foreign key to SubtypeCode field in GDB_Subtypes table
AllOriginSubtypes int Indicates if rule applies to all subtypes in the origin feature class
DestClassID int Foreign key to CLASSID field in GDB_TOPOCLASSES table
DestSubtype int Foreign key to SubtypeCode field in GDB_SUBTYPES table
AllDestSubtypes int Indicates if rule applies to all subtypes in the destination feature class
TopologyRuleType int The type of topology rule
Name varchar(160) User-defined name associated with the topology rule

Nulls allowed
RuleGUID varchar(38) GUID that uniquely identifies the topology rule


The GDB_USERMETADATA table stores user-defined metadata for all parts of the geodatabase including object classes, feature classes, feature datasets, logical networks, and relationship classes.

Field name Field type Description
ID int Uniquely identifies the metadata record

Primary key
DatabaseName varchar(32) The name of the geodatabase
Owner varchar(32) The owner of the metadata
NAME varchar(160) Name of the dataset to which the metadata refers
DatasetType int Code for the type of dataset to which the metadata refers
Xml image Metadata content


The GDB_VALIDRULES table contains all the valid rules of the geodatabase. This includes the attribute rules, edge connectivity rules, junction connectivity rules, relationship rules, topology rules, geocoding rules, and spatial rules.

Field Name Field Type Description
ID int Uniquely identifies a rule

Primary key
RuleType int The type of validation rule
ClassID int Foreign key to ID field in GDB_OBJECTCLASSES table
RuleCategory int Not in use at this time
HelpString varchar(160) Not in use at this time

Nulls allowed


The SDE_archives table stores the metadata for the archives in a geodatabase.

Field name Field type Description
archiving_regid int The table's registration ID
history_regid int The archive table's registration ID
from_date nvarchar(32) The name of the from date field
to_date nvarchar(32) The name of the to date field
archive_date bigint The creation date of the archive
archive_flags bigint Not currently used


The SDE_column_registry table manages all registered columns.

NOTE: If you alter column definitions using a SQL interface, the records in the SDE_column_registry table are not updated. This may cause any subsequent exports of the data to fail.

Field name Field type Description
database_name nvarchar(32) Name of the database in which the table that contains the column resides

table_name nvarchar(128) Name of the table that contains the registered column

owner nvarchar(32) Owner of the table in which the column resides (the user who created the table)

column_name nvarchar(32) Name of the registered column

sde_type int Code for the column's data type; possible values and their definitions include

1 = SE_INT16_TYPE—2-byte Integer

2 = SE_INT32_TYPE —4-byte Integer

3 = SE_FLOAT32_TYPE—4-byte Float

4 = SE_FLOAT64_TYPE—8-byte Float

5 = SE_STRING_TYPE—Null Term; Character Array

6 = SE_BLOB_TYPE—Variable Length Data

7 = SE_DATE_TYPE—Struct tm Date

8 = SE_SHAPE_TYPE—Shape geometry (SE_SHAPE)


10 = SE_XML_TYPE—XML Document

11 = SE_INT64_TYPE—8-byte Integer

12 = SE_UUID_TYPE—A Universal Unique ID

13 = SE_CLOB_TYPE—Character variable length data

14 = SE_NSTRING_TYPE—UNICODE Null Term; Character Array

15 = SE_NCLOB_TYPE—UNICODE Character Large Object


21 = SE_CURVE_TYPE—LineString UDT










column_size int The registered column value's length

Nulls allowed
decimal_digits int Number of integers to the right of the decimal in the column value

Nulls allowed
description nvarchar(65) A description of the type of column

Nulls allowed
object_flags int Stores the column properties; properties include

  • Column has a row ID.
  • SDE controls the row ID column.
  • Column allows NULLS.
  • Column stores Oracle LONG RAW data.
  • Column stores BLOB data.
  • Column stores CLOB data.
  • Column stores ST_GEOMETRY geometry data.
  • Column stores binary geometry data.
  • Column stores UDT geometry data.
  • Column stores Oracle LOB geometry data.
  • Column stores binary raster data.
  • Column stores UDT raster data.
  • Column stores XML data.
  • Column stores dates.
  • Column stores time.
  • Column stores a time stamp.
  • Column stores a unicode string.
object_id int Set to the rastercolumn_id of the sde.raster_columns table if the column is a raster column or the layer_id of the sde.layers table if this column is a geometry column

Nulls allowed


The SDE_compress_log table tracks all compress operations performed on the geodatabase.

NOTE: This table is not present if the geodatabase has never been compressed.

Field name Field type Description
compress_id int Unique ID of a compress operation
sde_id int Process identification number of the compress operation; references sde_id column in SDE_process_information table
server_id int System process_id of the ArcSDE server process that performed or is performing the compress operation
direct_connect varchar(1) Y (yes) or N (no) if the client is making a direct connection to the geodatabase
compress_start datetime The date and time the compress operation was begun
start_state_count int The number of states present when compress began
compress_end datetime The date and time the compress operation completed
end_state_count int The number of remaining states after the compress operation
compress_status varchar(20) Indicates whether or not the compress operation was successfully completed


The SDE_dbtune table stores the configuration keywords, parameters, and parameter values for datasets, such as feature classes. These define how the datasets are stored in the geodatabase.

Field name Field type Description
keyword nvarchar(32) The configuration keyword
parameter nvarchar(32) The configuration parameter
config_string nvarchar(2048) The value of the configuration parameter

Nulls allowed


The SDE_geometry_columns table stores a row for each column of type geometry in the database that complies with the OpenGIS SQL specification. ArcSDE treats this table as write only—the only time it is accessed by ArcSDE is when a layer is added or deleted that uses an OpenGIS SQL data format. This table is defined by the OpenGIS SQL specification and may be updated by other applications with geometry columns not managed by ArcSDE. When a new Geometry column is created in an OpenGIS compliant format, the fully qualified table, column name, and spatial reference ID (SRID) are added to the SDE_geometry_columns table.

Each geometry column is associated with a spatial reference system. Information on each spatial reference system is stored in the SDE_spatial_references table.

Field name Field type Description
f_table_catalog nvarchar(32) The database in which the feature table is stored
f_table_schema nvarchar(32) Schema under which the business table is stored
f_table_name sysname Name of the business table
f_geometry_column nvarchar(32) Name of the geometry column in the business table
g_table_catalog nvarchar(32) The database in which the geometry column is stored

Nulls allowed
g_table_schema nvarchar(32) Schema under which the table that contains the geometry column is stored
g_table_name sysname Name of the table that contains the geometry column
storage_type int Code for the storage type of the geometry; code could represent either WKB, WKT, or BINARY

Nulls allowed
geometry_type int Code for the geometry type that the column stores; code could represent either point, multipoint, linestring, multilinestring, polygon, or multipolygon

Nulls allowed
coord_dimension int Code for the coordinate dimension

0 = point

1 = linear

2 = area

Nulls allowed
max_ppr int Maximum points per row (no longer used by ArcSDE)

Nulls allowed
srid int Spatial reference ID


The SDE_layer_locks table maintains the locks on feature classes.

Field name Field type Description
sde_id int Process identification number of the process that has locked the layer; foreign key to the sde_id column in SDE_process_information table
layer_id int Foreign key to layer_id field in SDE_layers table
autolock char(1) Set to Y if the layer lock was set internally; otherwise, is set to N if the layer lock was set by the application
lock_type char(1) The type of layer lock can either be

0 = A read lock on the entire layer

1 = A write lock on the entire layer

2 = A read lock on an area within the layer

3 = A write lock on an area within the layer

4 = A layer autolock
minx bigint The minimum x-coordinate of the bounding box used to define the features within an area locked during an area lock

Nulls allowed
miny bigint The minimum y-coordinate of the bounding box used to define the features within an area locked during an area lock

Nulls allowed
maxx bigint The maximum x-coordinate of the bounding box used to define the features within an area locked during an area lock

Nulls allowed
maxy bigint The maximum y-coordinate of the bounding box used to define the features within an area locked during an area lock

Nulls allowed


The SDE_layers table maintains data about each feature class in the database. The information helps build and maintain spatial indexes, ensure proper shape types, maintain data integrity, and store the spatial reference for the coordinate data.

This table stores a row for each spatial column in the database. Applications use the layer properties to discover available spatial data sources. The layer properties are used by ArcSDE to constrain and validate the contents of the spatial column, to index geometry values, and to properly create and manage the associated DBMS tables.

Field name Field type Description
layer_id int Unique identifier for the layer
description nvarchar(65) The optional layer description

Nulls allowed
database_name nvarchar(32) Name of the database in which the layer resides
table_name sysname Name of the business table of the layer
owner nvarchar(32) The user who created the layer in the geodatabase

spatial_column nvarchar(32) Name of the spatial column in the layer
eflags int Stores the following layer properties:

  • Layer stores single precision or double precision coordinates.
  • Layer stores 3D coordinates.
  • Layer stores measures.
  • Layer has autolocking enabled or disabled.
  • Layer is in load only I/O mode or normal I/O mode.
  • Layer stores annotation.
  • Layer stores CAD data.
  • Layer is a view of another layer.
  • Layer does not have a spatial index.
  • The DBMS data type in which the layer data is stored.
  • The SDE types that the layer can accept, which can be such types as points, linestrings, polygons.
layer_mask int Stores additional internal properties about the layer
gsize1 float Size of first spatial grid
gsize2 float Size of second spatial grid
gsize3 float Size of third spatial grid
minx float Minimum x-coordinate value of the layer
miny float Minimum y-coordinate value of the layer
maxx float Maximum x-coordinate value of the layer
maxy float Maximum y-coordinate vlue of the layer
minz float Minimum z-coordinate value of the layer

Nulls allowed
maxz float Maximum z-coordinate value of the layer

Nulls allowed
minm float Minimum measure value of the layer

Nulls allowed
maxm float Maximum measure value of the layer

Nulls allowed
cdate int The layer creation date
layer_config nvarchar(32) Configuration keyword with which the layer was created

Nulls allowed
optimal_array_size int Geometry array buffer size

Nulls allowed
stats_date int When statistics were last calculated for a layer

Nulls allowed
minimum_id int The minimum feature ID value of a binary layer

Nulls allowed
srid int Spatial reference identification number; corresponds to srid value in the SDE_spatial_references table
base_layer_id int Stores the base layer's layer_id value for a layer that is actually a view

Nulls allowed
secondary_srid int Used to store high precision coordinate reference to project data when the data was basic precision and was converted to high precision

Nulls allowed


The SDE_lineages_modified table contains a state lineage identifier and its most recent modification time stamp.

Field name Field type Description
lineage_name bigint Foreign key to the lineage_name field in the SDE_state_lineages table
time_last_modified datetime The date and time the lineage was last modified


The SDE_locators table stores information about locator objects. When you add a locator to a geodatabase stored in a DBMS, a row is added to the SDE_locators table. Each row in the SDE_locators table defines a locator or locator style.

Field name Field type Description
locator_id int The table's primary key
name nvarchar(32) The name of the locator
owner nvarchar(32) The name of the user who owns the locator
category nvarchar(32) The category of the locator; address locators have a category value of Address.
type int The type of locator; values in this column represented as

  • 0—Defines locator styles
  • 1—Defines locators
  • 2—Defines attached locators; in other words, locators that are attached to a geocoded feature class and are a copy of the locator and the geocoding options that were used to create the geocoded feature class
description nvarchar(64) The description of the locator

Nulls allowed


The SDE_logfile_pool table will be present in the geodatabase when it is first created, regardless of what type of log files you use. For a description of this and other log file tables, see Log file tables in a geodatabase in SQL Server.


When you add a locator to a geodatabase in a DBMS, a row is added to the SDE_metadata table for each property of the locator. Each row in the SDE_metadata table defines a single property for a locator.

Field name Field type Description
record_id int The table's primary key
object_database nvarchar(32) The name of the database in which the described object is stored; not used for locator properties

Nulls allowed
object_name nvarchar(160) The name of the locator to which the property belongs and foreign key to the name column in the SDE_locators table
object_owner nvarchar(32) The name of the user who owns the record
object_type int Always a value of 2 for locator properties
class_name nvarchar(32) Always a value of SDE_internal for locator properties

Nulls allowed
property nvarchar(32) The name of the locator property

Nulls allowed
prop_value nvarchar(255) The value of the locator property

Nulls allowed
description nvarchar(65) Not used for locator properties

Nulls allowed
creation_date datetime Date and time the locator property was created


The SDE_mvtables_modified table maintains the list of all tables that are modified in each state of the database. This information aids in quickly determining if conflicts exist between versions or states of the database.

The SDE_mvtables_modified table maintains a record of all tables modified by state. This information allows applications to determine which tables need to be checked for changes when reconciling potential conflicts between versions and states in the database.

Any time a feature class or table is modified in a state, a new entry is created in the SDE_mvtables_modified table. When two versions are reconciled, the first step in the process is to identify the states these two versions reference—the current edit version’s state and the target version’s state. From these states, a common ancestor state is identified by tracing back through the state lineage of these two versions.

Field name Field type Description
state_id bigint The ID of the state in which this table was modified; foreign key to the state_id field in the SDE_states table
registration_id int The registration ID of the table that was modified in the state; foreign key to the SDE_table_registry table


The SDE_object_locks table maintains locks on geodatabase objects.

Field name Field type Description
sde_id int Process identification number of the process that locked the geodatabase object; references sde_id column in SDE_process_information table
object_id int ID from the OBJECT_CLASSES table of the affected dataset
object_type int Object lock type; for example, version,state_tree lock used by internal applications.
application_id int Application unique identifier
autolock char(1) Set to Y if the layer lock was set internally; otherwise, is set to N if the layer lock was set by the application
lock_type char(1) The type of object lock, which include

"S" for shared

"E" for exclusive


The SDE_process_information table collects ArcSDE session statistics such as the number of records read and the number of records written while the session was active.

Field name Field type Description
sde_id int Process identification number

Primary key
spid int The gsrvr process ID
server_id int The operating system process ID of the server process
start_time datetime Date and time process was started
rcount int The number of reads that have been processed
wcount int The number of writes that have been processed
opcount int Total number of operations a process has executed
numlocks int The number of locks that the process currently has open
fb_partial int Total number of partial features shipped by the process
fb_count int Total number of buffers loaded by the process
fb_fcount int Total number of features buffered by the process
fb_kbytes int Total number of kilobytes buffered by the process
owner nvarchar(30) The name of the connected user
direct_connect varchar(1) Indicates whether process was made with a direct connection

T (true) or F (false)
sysname nvarchar(32) The operating system that the client machine is running
nodename nvarchar(255) The connected client machine name
xdr_needed varchar(1) Records whether or not client is using XDR to communicate with the gsrvr

T (true) or F (false)
table_name nvarchar(95) Name of internal temporary table used for session


The SDE_raster_columns table contains a list of raster columns stored in the database.

This table references the raster data in the band, block, and auxiliary tables.

Field name Field type Description
rastercolumn_id int The primary key of the raster column table
description nvarchar(65) The description of the raster table

Nulls allowed
database_name nvarchar(32) The database that stores the table
owner nvarchar(32) The owner of the raster column's business table
table_name sysname The business table name
raster_column nvarchar(32) The raster column name
cdate int The date the raster column was added to the business table
config_keyword nvarchar(32) The DBTUNE configuration keyword whose storage parameters determine how the tables and indexes of the raster are stored in the database

Nulls allowed
minimum_id int Defined during the creation of the raster, establishes value of the raster table's raster_id column

Nulls allowed
base_rastercolumn_id int When the raster column is part of a view and not a table, the rastercolumn_id of the base table of the view
rastercolumn_mask int Set to 256 for a geodatabase raster
srid int Spatial reference identifier number, references SRID in the SDE_spatial_references table

Nulls allowed


The SDE_server_config table stores ArcSDE server configuration parameters. These parameters define how the ArcSDE software uses uses memory.

Field name Field type Description
prop_name nvarchar(32) The initialization parameter name
char_prop_value nvarchar(512) The character value of the initialization parameter
num_prop_value int The integer value of the initialization parameter

SDE_spatial references

The SDE_spatial_references table contains the coordinate system and floating point-to-integer transformation values. Internal functions use the parameters of a spatial reference system to translate and scale each floating point coordinate of the geometry into 64-bit positive integers prior to storage. Upon retrieval, the coordinates are restored to their original external floating point format.

Each geometry column of the SDE_geometry_columns table is associated with a spatial reference system, the information for which is stored in the SDE_spatial_references table. The columns of this table are those defined by the OpenGIS SQL Specification (SRID, SRTEXT, AUTH_NAME, and AUTH_SRID) and those required by ArcSDE for internal coordinate transformation. The spatial reference system identifies the coordinate system for a geometry and gives meaning to the numeric coordinate values for the geometry.

Field name Field type Description
srid int Spatial reference identifier number

description nvarchar(64) The text description of the spatial reference system

Nulls allowed
auth_name nvarchar(255) The name of the standard or standards body that is being cited for this reference system (For example, POSC would be a valid auth_name.)

Nulls allowed
auth_srid int The ID of the Spatial Reference System as defined by the Authority cited in auth_name

Nulls allowed
falsex float The x offset used when transforming ground coordinates to internal system coordinates
falsey float The y offset used when transforming ground coordinates to internal system coordinates
xyunits float The scale factor to apply when transforming ground coordinates to internal system coordinates
falsez float The z offset to use when transforming z-values to internal system coordinates
zunits float The scale factor to use when transforming z-values to internal system coordinates
falsem float The measure offset to use when transforming measure values to internal system coordinates
munits float The scale factor to use when transforming measure values to internal system coordinates
xycluster_tol float X,y coordinate cluster tolerance for topological processing

Nulls allowed
zcluster_tol float Z-coordinate cluster tolerance for topological processing

Nulls allowed
mcluster_tol float Measure cluster tolerance for topological processing

Nulls allowed
object_flags int Stores object attributes, including precision
srtext varchar(1024) Name and descriptor for the spatial reference as seen in the ArcGIS interface


The SDE_state_lineages table stores the lineage of each state. A new lineage name is created for each version. Each time a state is added, the lineage name and the state ID are added. When a state is added that is a new version, the ancestry state lineage of the parent state is added with the lineage name.

To return the correct view of a version, its state lineage is queried to identify all the states that recorded each change made to that version. From this list of states, the table rows that correctly represent the version can be determined.

Field name Field type Description
lineage_name bigint Name that describes a state
lineage_id bigint Unique ID of individual states


The SDE_state_locks table maintains the version state locks.

Field name Field type Description
sde_id int Process identification number of the process that locked the state; references sde_id column in SDE_process_information table
state_id bigint ID of the state that is locked; foreign key to the state_id field in the SDE_states table
autolock char(1) Set to Y if the layer lock was set internally; otherwise, set to N if the layer lock was set by the application
lock_type char(1) The type of state lock; the following are possible types:

0 = A shared lock on the entire state tree

1 = An exclusive lock on the entire state tree

2 = A shared lock on a state

3 = An exclusive lock on a state

4 = A shared autolock

5 = An exclusive autolock


The SDE_states table contains the state metadata. It accounts for the states that have been created over time, and the creation time, closing time, parent, and owner of each state.

When a state is created, a state ID is assigned and a record is added to this table.

Field name Field type Discussion
state_id bigint A unique ID for this state, assigned by ArcSDE

Primary key
owner nvarchar(32) The user who created this state
creation_time datetime The date/time this state was created
closing_time datetime The date/time that this state was closed

Nulls allowed
parent_state_id bigint This state’s parent's State_ID
lineage_name bigint References the state's lineage_name stored in the state_lineages table


The SDE_table_locks table maintains the locks on ArcSDE registered tables.

Field name Field type Description
sde_id int Process identification number of the process that locked the table; references sde_id column in SDE_process_information table
registration_id int Foreign key to registration_id field in the SDE_table_registry table
lock_type char(1) The type of table lock, which includes

"S" for shared

"E" for exclusive


The SDE_table_registry table manages all registered tables. The values include an ID, table name, owner, and description.

Field name Field type Description
registration_id int Unique identifier for the registration of the table

Primary key
database_name nvarchar(32) Name of the database in which the table resides
table_name sysname Name of the table
owner nvarchar(32) User who created the table
rowid_column nvarchar(32) Name of the ObjectID column in the table
description nvarchar(65) The text description of the table

Nulls allowed
object_flags int Stores the registration properties of the table, which include

  • The table has a registered row ID.
  • SDE controls the row ID.
  • The table has a geometry column.
  • The table is a multiversioned view.
  • The table can be row locked
  • .

  • The table has a raster column.
  • The table is a view of another table.
  • The table has a geocoding locator column.
  • Data definition language operations are restricted.
  • Data manipulation language operations are restricted.
  • The table is hidden.
  • The table has single row IDs.
  • The table has an XML column.
  • The table has a layer that stores double coordinates.
  • The interior states of this versioned table can be edited.
  • This is a base save table.
  • This table has trusted shapes.
  • This is an archiving table.
  • This table is in load only I/O mode.
  • This is a history table.
registration_date int The date the table was registered
config_keyword nvarchar(32) Configuration keyword with which the table was created

Nulls allowed
minimum_id int The minimum row_id value of the table

Nulls allowed
imv_view_name nvarchar(32) The name of a multiversioned view of the given table

Nulls allowed


The SDE_tables_modified table records when changes are made to the system tables. This information is used to eliminate unnecessary reads of tables that have not changed.

Field name Field type Description
table_name sysname Name of the ArcSDE system table that was modified
time_last_modified datetime Date and time the table was modified


The SDE_version table maintains information about the version of ArcSDE with which the database expects to operate. The table contains the specific release identification for the most recently installed version of ArcSDE.

The SDE_version table and other ArcSDE system tables are updated after a new version of ArcSDE is installed.

Field name Field type Description
major int Number of the major release; for example, for ArcSDE 9.1, the major release number would be 9.
minor int Number indicating the version of the major release; for example, for ArcSDE 9.1, the minor release number would be 1.
bugfix int Number of the patch or service pack installed.
description nvarchar(96) Description of the ArcSDE installation.
release int Complete release number; for example, 92009.
sdesvr_rel_low int Indicates the lowest release number of server allowed to run on this instance.


The SDE_versions table contains information about versioned geodatabases.

Each version is identified by a name, with an owner, description, and associated database state. This table defines the different versions that the database contains and provides a list of available versions to be presented to the user. These versions are used to access specific database states by the application. The version name and ID are unique.

When the VERSIONS table is first created by ArcSDE, a default version will be inserted into the table. This default version will be named DEFAULT, will be owned by the ArcSDE administrator, and granted PUBLIC access. The initial state_id will be set to 0, and the description string will read Instance Default Version. Since the default version has been granted PUBLIC access, any user can change the state of the default.

ArcGIS requires the presence of the default version. If you should inadvertently delete the default version, you can replace it with the following SQL insert statement.

insert into sde_versions values ('DEFAULT','SDE',1,1,0,'Instance default version.',null,null,null,GETDATE())

Field_name Field type Description
name nvarchar(64) The unique name of the version
owner nvarchar(32) The version owner
version_id int The unique ID of the version
status int Specifies whether the version is available to the public or if it is privately accessed by the owner
state_id bigint The ID of the database state to which this version points
description nvarchar(64) An optional text description of the version

Nulls allowed
parent_name nvarchar(64) The name of this version's parent version

Nulls allowed
parent_owner nvarchar(32) The name of the owner of the parent version

Nulls allowed
parent_version_id int The ID of the version that is the parent of this version

Nulls allowed
creation_time datetime The date/time that this version was created


The SDE_xml_columns table contains a list of XML columns stored in the database.

Field name Field type Description
column_id int The XML column's identifier.

This value is assigned by ArcSDE at the time the XML column is created.

Primary key.
registration_id int The identifier of the business table containing the XML column; foreign key to the ArcSDE table registry.
column_name nvarchar(32) The name of the XML column in the business table.
index_id int The identifier of the XPath index associated with the XML column, if one exists; foreign key to the XML indexes table.

Nulls allowed.
minimum_id int The value of the initial number used in the business table's XML column to identify individual XML documents.

Nulls allowed.
config_keyword nvarchar(32) The DBTUNE configuration keyword that contains the parameters that determine how the XML document and the XML XPath index tables and the text indexes created on those tables are defined in the database.

Nulls allowed.
xflags int A value indicating if the original documents in the XML document table are stored compressed or uncompressed.

By default, documents are compressed. (Compressed documents provide better performance.)


The SDE_xml_index_tags table contains a list of XML index tags stored in the database.

Field name Field type Description
index_id int The identifier of the XPath index associated with an XML column, if one exists; foreign key to the XML indexes table.
tag_id int Unique identifier for the XML tag.
tag_name nvarchar(1024) An absolute XPath identifying an XML element or attribute that may occur in an XML document.

For example:

/metadata/mdDateSt identifies an XML element, and /metadata/dataIdInfo/tpCat/TopicCatCd/@value identifies an XML attribute. These XPaths must not contain asterisks (*) to refer to a group of XML elements or attributes—each element or attribute is matched exactly using the XPaths specified in this table.
data_type int A number that may be used to identify an XPath.

For example, the Z39.50 communication protocol uses numeric codes to refer to content that may be searched. This column is not used by the ArcIMS Z39.50 Connector.
tag_alias int A number that may be used to identify an XPath.

For example, the Z39.50 communication protocol uses numeric codes to refer to content that may be searched. This column is not used by the ArcIMS Z39.50 Connector.

Nulls allowed.
description nvarchar(64) Text identifying the content that should be contained in the XML element or attribute.

Nulls allowed.
is_excluded int A value indicating if the XML element is included in or excluded from the XPath index.

0 = included.

1 = excluded.


The SDE_xml_indexes table contains a list of XML indexes stored in the database.

Field name Field type Description
index_id int The identifier of the XPath index.

Primary key.
index_name nvarchar(32) The name of the XPath index.

For XPath indexes associated with an ArcIMS Metadata Service, the name will be "ims_xml#", where # is the identifier of the XML column in the metadata service's business table.
owner nvarchar(32) The database user who owns the XML column.

For ArcIMS Metadata Services, this is the user specified in the service's ArcXML configuration file.
index_type int A value indicating the type of XPath index.


The value will always be 2; only XPath indexes of the type SE_XML_INDEX_DEFINITION are supported.
description nvarchar(64) Text identifying the XPath index.

If an index definition file was used to create the index, the index's description may be specified at the top of the file.

Nulls allowed.


This view is composed of fields from the SDE_spatial_references and SDE_geometry_columns tables. It is one of two views present to help the SQL user work with coordinate systems and spatial columns when using Microsoft's spatial types.

The view itself cannot be directly updated.

Field name Field type Description
table_schema nvarchar(32) From the f_table_schema field in the SDE_geometry_columns table.
table_name nvarchar(128) From the f_table_name field in the SDE_geometry_columns table.
column_name nvarchar(32) From the f_geometry_column field in the SDE_geometry_columns table.
type_schema varchar(3) The type of schema in which the database is stored: dbo or sde.

Nulls allowed.
type_name varchar(15) From the geometry_type field in the SDE_geometry_columns table.

The geometry_type field is an integer field. The integers from that field equate to the following text in the type_name field:













> 11 or < 0 = ST_GEOMETRY

Nulls allowed.
srs_id int From the srid column in the SDE_spatial_references table.


This view is based on the SDE_spatial_references table and is used to help users of Microsoft's spatial types to work with the data using SQL.

Field name Field type Description
srs_id int From the srid field of the SDE_spatial_references table
x_offset float From the falsex field of the SDE_spatial_references table
x_scale float From the xyunits field of the SDE_spatial_references table
y_offset float From the falsey field of the SDE_spatial_references table
y_scale float From the xyunits field of the SDE_spatial_references table
z_offset float From the falsez field of the SDE_spatial_references table
z_scale float From the zunits field of the SDE_spatial_references table
m_offset float From the falsem field of the SDE_spatial_references table
m_scale float From the munits field of the SDE_spatial_references table
organization nvarchar(255) From the auth_name field of the SDE_spatial_references table

Nulls allowed
organization_coordsys_id int From the auth_srid field of the SDE_spatial_references table

Nulls allowed
definition varchar(1024) From the srtext field of the SDE_spatial_references table

Nulls allowed