Used in
Metadata (Browse) Parent elements
Searches the metadata document repository's full document index using one or more words.
- FULLTEXT search criteria are evaluated using the database's full text index. Documents are found if the specified word or phrase occurs anywhere in the document.
- Documents are found by the criteria depending on how full text indexing is configured in the database. For example, if the database's full text indexing engine is set to perform stemming when indexing words, a search with the word "image" would find documents containing the words "image", "images", and "imaging". Stemming is not enabled by default in the database.
- Wildcard characters can be specified when defining the search word or phrase. The characters and the manner in which they can be used are specific to each RDBMS's text indexing component; these characters may be different than the wildcard characters that can be used when searching character columns. For SQL Server an asterisk (*) and for Oracle a percent sign (%) can typically be used. For SQL Server wildcards can only be placed at the end of the word.
- Typically, if you search using a fragment of a word, you won't find any documents unless you provide a wildcard character next to the fragment. For example, if you search using the fragment "bound" you may not find anything, but if you search using "bound%" or "bound*" you might find documents that have the keyword "boundaries".
- If more than one word is provided, the words must appear together in the published documents. For example, if the words "San Francisco" are provided together, they must appear next to each other in a document to be found by the search. In contrast, if the search specifies the word "San" and the word "Francisco" in two separate FULLTEXT elements combined with an "and" operator, documents will be found that contain both of these words anywhere in the document and don't have to be next to each other.
<SEARCH_METADATA operator="and">
<FULLTEXT word="San" />
<FULLTEXT word="Francisco" />
- Punctuation and prepositions such as "a", "the", or "and" are ignored when indexing the document's text and are also ignored when the database evaluates the search criteria. Special rules may be defined in the database's text indexing components that change how punctuation is handled.
Attribute Descriptions for FULLTEXT
Attribute | Usage |
word | List of one or more words. |
Back to top Examples for FULLTEXT
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<ARCXML version="1.1">
<SEARCH_METADATA operator="and">
<ENVELOPE minx="-176.98" miny="18.93" maxx="-66.97" maxy="71.35" spatialoperator="within" />
<TAGVALUE tag="metadata/dataqual/lineage/srcinfo/srccite/citeinfo/pubdate" greaterthan="1990" />
<FULLTEXT word="cities"/>
<SEARCH_METADATA operator="or">
<TAGTEXT tag="metadata/idinfo/citation/citeinfo/geoform" word="data"/>
<TAGTEXT tag="metadata/idinfo/citation/citeinfo/geoform" word="digital"/>
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