Used in



Metadata (Browse)  

Parent elements



<SEARCH_METADATAAttribute Description Table

     When SEARCH_METADATA is nested:
     operator="and | or" [and]

     When SEARCH_METADATA is the outer element:
     foldermask="1 - 7"
     fulloutput="true | false" [true]
     gndextent="none | document | search" [none]
     maxresults="integer" [All records matching search criteria]
     operator="and | or" [and]
     sort="name | relevance | contenttype | local_area | global_area | date | date_desc" [name]
     sort2="name | relevance | contenttype | local_area | global_area | date | date_desc"
     startresult="integer" [0]
     thumbnail="true | false" [true]

     When SEARCH_METADATA is nested:
     (r)<AREA... /> [And/Or (Group A)]
     (r)(m)<DOCUMENTINFO... /> [And/Or (Group A)]
     (r)(m)<SUBSET... /> [And/Or (Group A)]
     (r)<UPDATED... /> [And/Or (Group A)]
     (r)(m)<FULLTEXT... /> [And/Or (Group B)]
     (r)(m)<TAGTEXT... /> [And/Or (Group B)]
     (r)(m)<TAGVALUE... /> [And/Or (Group B)]

     When SEARCH_METADATA is the outer element:
     (r)<ENVELOPE... /> [And/Or]
     (r)(m)<FULLTEXT... /> [And/Or]
     (r)(m)<SEARCH_METADATA... /> [And/Or]
     (r)(m)<TAGTEXT... /> [And/Or]
     (r)(m)<TAGVALUE... /> [And/Or]

(r): Attribute or child element is required.
(m):  Child element can be used multiple times.


Used to specify criteria for selecting documents.



Attribute Descriptions for SEARCH_METADATA

operatorUsed to define the operator for the SEARCH_METADATA query.
foldermaskSpecifies folder types to be returned in the response. The value of foldermask is an integer storing the sum of one or more of the following values:
  • 1 = Root document
  • 2 = "Normal" folder
  • 4 = Document
For example, use "4" to return documents only. Use "7" (1 + 2 + 4) to return all types of folders. The different values are:
  • 1 = Root document only (1)
  • 2 = "Normal" folders only (2)
  • 3 = Root document and "normal" folders (1 + 2)
  • 4 = Documents only (4)
  • 5 = Root document and documents (1 + 4)
  • 6 = "Normal" folders and documents (2 + 4)
  • 7 = Root document, "normal" folders, and documents (1 + 2 + 4)
fulloutputWhen set to "true", XML files are generated containing the documents found by the search. A GND file is also generated for documents describing ArcIMS Image, Feature, and ArcMap Image Services. Files are generated in the ArcIMS server's Output directory. When "false", XML and GND files are not returned.
gndextentThe extent written to the GND file. When "none" is selected, the default extent of the service is used. For "document" the extent is taken from the metadata document. For "search" the extent is the search extent specified in the client such as Metadata Explorer.
maxresultsBy default, all records meeting the search criteria are returned. This attribute limits the number of returned records to the maximum value assigned to the attribute.
operatorUsed to define the operator for the SEARCH_METADATA query.
sortPreference for ordering results.
  • "name" orders the results alphabetically.
  • "relevance" lists results from highest to lowest relevance.
  • "contenttype" sorts and groups results by content type.
  • "local_area" lists results by area in ascending order.
  • "global_area" lists results by area in descending order.
  • "date" lists the documents from oldest to newest based on when the documents were published or updated.
  • "date_desc" lists the documents from newest to oldest based on when the documents were published or updated.
sort2Secondary preference for ordering results. Attribute values are the same as for sort. For example, if sort="contenttype" and sort="date_desc", all documents with the same contenttype will be ordered from newest to oldest. All sort criteria are applied to all results before the results are batched using startresult and maxresults.
startresultBy default, all records meeting the search criteria are returned starting with record 0. This attribute allows a specified record as the start record.
thumbnailWhen set to "true", images are generated containing thumbnails for documents found by the search, if thumbnails are available. Files are generated in the ArcIMS server's Output directory. When "false", thumbnails are not returned.
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Example 1: When searching by name or owner of documents using DOCUMENTINFO.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<ARCXML version="1.1">
          <DOCUMENTINFO name="World" />

Example 2: When using TAGVALUE.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ARCXML version="1.1">
      <SEARCH_METADATA operator="and" maxresults="10" startresult="0" >
        <TAGVALUE tag="metadata/idinfo/citation/citeinfo/pubdate" greaterthanorequalto="20001006" lessthanorequalto="20010104"/>

Example 3: When using ENVELOPE, TAGVALUE, FULLTEXT, and SEARCH_METADATA recursively with TAGTEXT.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<ARCXML version="1.1">
      <SEARCH_METADATA operator="and">
        <ENVELOPE minx="-176.98" miny="18.93" maxx="-66.97" maxy="71.35" spatialoperator="within" />
        <TAGVALUE tag="metadata/dataqual/lineage/srcinfo/srccite/citeinfo/pubdate" greaterthan="1990-01-01" />
        <FULLTEXT word="cities"/>
        <SEARCH_METADATA operator="or">
          <TAGTEXT tag="metadata/idinfo/citation/citeinfo/geoform" word="data"/>
          <TAGTEXT tag="metadata/idinfo/citation/citeinfo/geoform" word="digital"/>

Example 4: When using many criteria.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<ARCXML version="1.1">
      <SEARCH_METADATA operator="and" maxresults="10" startresult="0" >
        <ENVELOPE minx="-176.98" miny="18.93" maxx="-66.97" maxy="71.35" spatialoperator="within"/>
        <SEARCH_METADATA operator="or">
          <DOCUMENTINFO content="liveData"/>
          <DOCUMENTINFO content="downloadableData"/>
          <DOCUMENTINFO content="offlineData"/>
          <DOCUMENTINFO owner="usgs"/>
          <UPDATED after="2000-01-01"/>
        <TAGVALUE tag="metadata/dataqual/lineage/srcinfo/srcscale" lessthanorequalto="24000"/>
        <SEARCH_METADATA operator="and">
          <FULLTEXT word="water"/>
          <FULLTEXT word="stream"/>
        <SEARCH_METADATA operator="or">
          <TAGTEXT tag="metadata/idinfo/keywords/theme/themekey" word="inlandWaters"/>
          <TAGVALUE tag="metadata/dataIdInfo/tpCat/TopicCatCd" attribute="value" equalto="012"/>

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Search code: @arcxml_SEARCH_METADATA