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Metadata (Publish)  

Parent elements



<GAZETTEER_ENTRYAttribute Description Table
     description="string" [Same as word value]
     extent="string" [-180, -90, 180, 90]
     rank="1 - 26 or A - Z" [26 or Z]

     No Child Elements
(r): Attribute or child element is required.


Provides details on each gazetteer entry when populating a gazetteer service with places.


Attribute Descriptions for GAZETTEER_ENTRY

descriptionWords that describe a gazetteer place. These words appear in the results of a gazetteer search when using Metadata Explorer. For example, if a place is defined with the word "Toronto" and the description "Toronto, Ontario, Canada", the place will not be found by a search with the string "Ontario". When the place is found using the string "Toronto", the description "Toronto, Ontario, Canada" appears in the results of a gazetteer search in Metadata Explorer.
docidString used to uniquely identify a document. The client used to publish the metadata is responsible for creating the document ID. This ID is automatically assigned when using ArcCatalog. If another client is used, GET_UUID can be used to request a valid ID. The format for an ID is the following:
where H is a hexadecimal digit (0-9,a-f,A-F). The ID is limited to 38 characters.
extentThe bounding box for a gazetteer place in the format "xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax" where the coordinates are specified in decimal degrees. For example, "-180, -90, 180, 90". When a gazetteer place is selected in the gazetteer search results in Metadata Explorer, the bounding box associated with the place is shown on the search map and this extent is used to search the Metadata Service.
rankDetermines the order in which places are returned by a search when the search results are sorted by contenttype. Metadata Explorer sorts the results of gazetteer searches by contenttype. A higher rank is associated with a lower number or letter. For example, suppose there are two places in a gazetteer like "Metropolitan Toronto" and "Toronto", where the metropolitan place has a larger extent and the places are ranked 2 and 1 (or B and A), respectively. "Toronto", the more precise location, will appear above "Metropolitan Toronto" in the results of a gazetteer search in Metadata Explorer because it has a higher rank.
wordThe strings that can be used to search for a gazetteer place. These strings are included in the gazetteer service's full text index. For example, suppose there are three places whose word attributes are defined as: "Toronto", "Metropolitan Toronto", and "Greater Toronto Area GTA". All three places will be found by a FULLTEXT search using the string "Toronto". Only the last place will be found by a search using the string "GTA". Metadata Explorer only searches the gazetteer service using FULLTEXT search criteria.
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        <GAZETTEER_ENTRY word="Ontario" description="Ontario, Canada" docid="{C3A5E376-C15D-4827-A99C-5896BD2636F7}" extent="-95.156230,41.687973,-74.320645,56.852397" rank="1"/>
        <GAZETTEER_ENTRY word="Toronto" description="Toronto, Ontario, Canada" docid="{72AEEB28-A0A7-4224-8694-BED36709B68D}" extent="-79.433910,43.603524,-79.333910,43.703524" rank="1"/>

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Search code: @arcxml_GAZETTEER_ENTRY