Used in



Image  Extract  ArcMap  

Parent elements



<OUTPUTAttribute Description Table

     When parent element is EXTRACT:

     When parent element is IMAGE:
     type="gif | jpg | png | png8"

     When parent element is LAYOUT:

     When parent element is METADATA_CONFIG and using the Metadata Server:

     When parent element is PROPERTIES in a map configuration file using in an Image Service:

     When parent element is PROPERTIES in GET_EXTRACT:

     When parent element is PROPERTIES in GET_IMAGE - ArcMap Image Services:
     type="bmp | gif | jpg | png | png8 | tif" [jpg]

     When parent element is PROPERTIES in GET_IMAGE - Image Services:
     type="gif | jpg | png | png8" [jpg]

     When parent element is PROPERTIES in GET_LAYOUT:
     type="ai | bmp | emf | eps | gif | jpg | pdf | png8 | png24 | svg | tif" [jpg]

     No Child Elements
(r): Attribute or child element is required.


Defines pathname and URL for output map images, legend images, and ZIP files containing extracted shapefiles.



Attribute Descriptions for OUTPUT

When parent element is EXTRACT:
fileFull pathname and filename for location of ZIP file generated by the ArcIMS Spatial Server. UNC pathnames are valid (\\myComputer\arcims\output).
urlURL used by client to retrieve ZIP file.

When parent element is IMAGE:
fileFull pathname and filename for location of map image generated by the ArcIMS Spatial Server. UNC pathnames are valid (\\myComputer\arcims\output).
heightHeight in pixels. If autoresize is used in a GET_IMAGE request, and the requested map is larger than the image memory limit, then the generated map is resized to fit within the image memory limit. In this case, the height of the output image is included in the IMAGE response.
typeReturned when OUTPUT method="stream" in a map configuration file for Image Services. Valid only when the Java Connector, the Web ADF for the Microsoft .NET Framework, or the Web ADF for the Java Platform is used.
urlURL used by client to retrieve map image.
widthWidth in pixels. If autoresize is used in a GET_IMAGE request, and the requested map is larger than the image memory limit, then the generated map is resized to fit within the image memory limit. In this case, the width of the image is included in the IMAGE response.

When parent element is LAYOUT:
fileFull pathname and filename for location of layout generated by the ArcIMS Spatial Server. UNC pathnames are valid (\\myComputer\arcims\output).
heightHeight in pixels. If autoresize is used in a GET_IMAGE request, and the requested map is larger than the image memory limit, then the generated map is resized to fit within the image memory limit. In this case, the height of the output image is included in the IMAGE response.
urlURL used by client to retrieve layout.
widthWidth in pixels. If autoresize is used in a GET_IMAGE request, and the requested map is larger than the image memory limit, then the generated map is resized to fit within the image memory limit. In this case, the width of the image is included in the IMAGE response.

When parent element is METADATA_CONFIG and using the Metadata Server:
baseurlPaired with path. URL of output directory if default filename is generated by ArcIMS. Do not include a filename.
pathPaired with baseurl. Directory to output file generated by the Metadata Server. Do not include the filename. UNC pathnames are valid (\\myComputer\arcims\output).

When parent element is PROPERTIES in a map configuration file using in an Image Service:
methodSpecifies that image output for an Image Service should be streamed in Base64 encoded format. Valid only with Image Services used with the Java Connector.

When parent element is PROPERTIES in GET_EXTRACT:
baseurlPaired with path. URL of output directory if default filename is generated by ArcIMS. Do not include a filename.
namePaired with url. User assigns an output ZIP filename. Use full pathname along with the filename. The filename must match the filename used in url. UNC pathnames are valid (\\myComputer\arcims\output\myfile.zip).
pathPaired with baseurl. Directory to output ZIP file generated by Extract Server. Do not include the filename. UNC pathnames are valid (\\myComputer\arcims\output).
urlPaired with name. URL of output ZIP file. Include filename as part of URL. The filename must match the filename used in name.

When parent element is PROPERTIES in GET_IMAGE - ArcMap Image Services:
baseurlPaired with path. URL of output directory if default filename is generated by ArcIMS. Do not include a filename.
legendbaseurlPaired with legendpath. URL of output directory if default legend filename is generated by ArcIMS. Do not include a filename.
legendnamePaired with legendurl. User assigns an output legend filename. Use full pathname along with the filename. The filename must match the filename used in legendurl. UNC pathnames are valid (\\myComputer\arcims\output\mylegend.jpg).
legendpathPaired with legendbaseurl. Directory to output legend file generated by Image Server. Do not include the filename. UNC pathnames are valid (\\myComputer\arcims\output).
legendurlPaired with legendname. URL of output legend file. Include filename as part of URL. The filename must match the filename used in legendname.
namePaired with url. User assigns an output filename. Use full pathname along with the filename. The filename must match the filename used in url. UNC pathnames are valid (\\myComputer\arcims\output\myfile.jpg).
pathPaired with baseurl. Directory to output file generated by the Image Server. Do not include the filename. UNC pathnames are valid (\\myComputer\arcims\output).
typeOutput image file type. Can be bmp, gif, jpg, png8 (8 bit), png24 (24 bit), and tif.
urlPaired with name. URL of output file. Include filename as part of URL. The filename must match the filename used in name.

When parent element is PROPERTIES in GET_IMAGE - Image Services:
baseurlPaired with path. URL of output directory if default filename is generated by ArcIMS. Do not include a filename.
legendbaseurlPaired with legendpath. URL of output directory if default legend filename is generated by ArcIMS. Do not include a filename.
legendnamePaired with legendurl. User assigns an output legend filename. Use full pathname along with the filename. The filename must match the filename used in legendurl. UNC pathnames are valid (\\myComputer\arcims\output\mylegend.jpg).
legendpathPaired with legendbaseurl. Directory to output legend file generated by Image Server. Do not include the filename. UNC pathnames are valid (\\myComputer\arcims\output).
legendurlPaired with legendname. URL of output legend file. Include filename as part of URL. The filename must match the filename used in legendname.
namePaired with url. User assigns an output filename. Use full pathname along with the filename. Only filenames with a *.jpg, *.png, or *.gif extension are valid. The filename must match the filename used in url. UNC pathnames are valid (\\myComputer\arcims\output\myfile.jpg).
pathPaired with baseurl. Directory to output file generated by the Image Server. Do not include the filename. UNC pathnames are valid (\\myComputer\arcims\output).
typeOutput image file type. Can be gif, jpg, png8 (8 bit), png24 (24 bit).
urlPaired with name. URL of output file. Include filename as part of URL. The filename must match the filename used in name.

When parent element is PROPERTIES in GET_LAYOUT:
baseurlPaired with path. URL of output directory if default filename is generated by ArcIMS. Do not include a filename.
namePaired with url. User assigns an output filename. Use full pathname along with the filename. The filename must match the filename used in url. UNC pathnames are valid (\\myComputer\arcims\output\myfile.jpg).
pathPaired with baseurl. Directory to output file generated by the ArcMap Server. Do not include the filename. UNC pathnames are valid (\\myComputer\arcims\output).
typeOutput file type. Can be ai, bmp, emf, eps, gif, jpg, pdf, png8 (8 bit), png24 (24 bit), svg, or tif.
urlPaired with name. URL of output file. Include filename as part of URL. The filename must match the filename used in name.
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Examples for OUTPUT

Example 1: When in a RESPONSE with OUTPUT restricted.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF8"?>
<ARCXML version="1.1">
      <ENVELOPE minx="-80.00000000" miny="-56.00000000" maxx="80.00000000" maxy="56.00000000" />
      <OUTPUT url="http://mymachine.domain.com/maps/WorldMap_MYMACHINE16114829.jpg" />

Example 2: When in a RESPONSE with no restrictions on OUTPUT.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF8"?>
<ARCXML version="1.1">
      <ENVELOPE minx="-80.00000000" miny="-56.00000000" maxx="80.00000000" maxy="56.00000000" />
      <OUTPUT file="F:\WorldMap_MYMACHINE16114829.jpg" url="http://mymachine.domain.com/maps/WorldMap_MYMACHINE16114829.jpg" />

Example 3: In a RESPONSE when autoresize is used in GET_IMAGE, and the image has been resized.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF8"?>
<ARCXML version="1.1">
      <ENVELOPE minx="-180" miny="-135" maxx="180" maxy="135" />
      <OUTPUT file="c:\arcims\output\world_MYMACHINE8236420.png" url="http://mymachine.domain.com/output/world_MYMACHINE8236420.png" width="591" height="443"/>

Example 4: When in a REQUEST.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ARCXML version="1.1">
      <ENVELOPE minx="-180" miny="-90" maxx="180" maxy="90" />
      <IMAGESIZE width="643" height="502" />
      <OUTPUT name="c:\arcims\myfile.jpg" url="http://mymachine.domain.com/myfile.jpg" />

Example 5: Request that includes OUTPUT information for both the image and legend. Name/url attribute pairs are used.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ARCXML version="1.1">
        <ENVELOPE minx="-180" miny="-90" maxx="180" maxy="90" />
        <IMAGESIZE width="643" height="502" />
        <OUTPUT legendname="c:\arcims\website\legend.jpg" legendurl="http://mymachine.domain.com/website/legend.jpg" name="c:\arcims\website\map.jpg" url="http://mymachine.domain.com/website/map.jpg"  />
        <LEGEND title="Legend" font="Arial" columns="1" width="170" height="300" backgroundcolor="255,255,0" />

Example 6: When used in an IMAGE response and image is streamed using Base64 encoding.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ARCXML version="1.1">
      <ENVELOPE minx="-180" miny="-135" maxx="180" maxy="135" />
      <OUTPUT type="jpg">/9j/4AAQSk ... ZJRgABZ</OUTPUT>
      <LEGEND type="jpg" >/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQA ... UDBAQEAZ</LEGEND>

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