How to Publish Metadata

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How to Publish Metadata

The success of a Geoportal depends on the quality metadata records it hosts. Metadata must be published to the Geoportal and Approved before it can be discovered. Publishers can upload metadata or create metadata to publish it to the Geoportal. Steps below discuss how.

  1. Become a Publisher
  2. Create Metadata through the Geoportal Interface
  3. Upload Metadata
  4. Edit Metadata
  5. Edit Metadata in an External Editor

Become a Publisher

There are three steps to becoming a publisher:

  1. Create a regular registered user account
  2. Send a message requesting to be made a publisher to the Geoportal administrator. Do this by clicking on the "Feedback" link at the top of the page, and writing an email from that interface. The Geoportal administrator will work with the Geoportal's security administrator to grant your login Publisher status.
  3. Upon approval of your publisher status, additional tabs will appear in your interface the next time you log in to the Geoportal. As a publisher, you will be able to publish metadata through an online form (create metadata), upload metadata through the Geoportal interface, edit metadata you created in the Geoportal previously, publish metadata through ArcCatalog using the Geoportal extension Publish Client, or register your metadata repository for harvesting.

Create Metadata through the Geoportal Interface

The Geoportal Create Metadata interface is a useful tool for registering a data resource that does not already have metadata associated with it. It is also useful for registering metadata for a live map service.

Upload Metadata

If you have metadata in XML form for your data resource and want to register it with the Geoportal, you can upload it from the Geoportal interface. You can also use the "Specify a network path" option to browse to a web location and upload multiple documents from the location, or create metadata for services listed at a network url such as ArcGIS Online. Metadata generated or published by this method is by default of the Dublin Core metadata schema, but this is configurable.

To upload, follow these steps:

NOTE: It is also possible to develop a custom client to perform insert, update, and delete operations to the Geoportal through the Geoportal transaction CS-W operations.

Edit Metadata

The metadata editor online form is accessed from the "Administration" tab, when a publisher or administrator clicks the pencil icon next to a record in the document table. The metadata editor facilitates creating and updating metadata quickly and in a consistent manner. Information input in the metadata editor online form will be used to create or update the raw XML for the metadata document.

Note: the ability to edit a published metadata record using the metadata editor online form is only available for records originally authored through the online form. This is by design; if records are published by other methods such as harvesting, the publish client, and uploading, then edits to the metadata should be made at the source and not on the copy maintained in the geoportal database.

It is possible to edit metadata published by other methods. See Edit Metadata in an External Editor for more information.

Edit Metadata in an External Editor (Optional)

To maintain the integrity of a metadata resource, it is highly recommended that metadata records be edited at their source. For example, if a document is maintained in ArcCatalog but published to the geoportal through the Publish Client, any further edits to the metadata should be done in ArcCatalog and then republished afterwards.

However, there are cases where metadata may need to be updated directly from the geoportal even if it is not authored with the geoportal's metadata editor online form. For example, if metadata for ArcGIS Server services is published by entering a network path on the Upload page, you may want to edit this metadata.

This can be done by using third party xml editors and the geoportal's REST interface. To edit metadata using this method, you will need to 1) have access to an XML editor, such as Altova® XMLSpy, 2) be the owner of the record you want to edit, and 3) know the REST url to the metadata document that you want to edit.


  1. Login to the geoportal. Verify that you are the owner of the record that you want to edit.
  2. Procure the REST url for the record. Do this by searching for the record, and clicking on the "Details" link in the search result. The REST url for the record is at the bottom of the details page, and is prefixed with the following:


    Note: the REST url will contain a document ID. This is not the same ID that appears in the browser URL, or that appears in the UUID column for the record in the Administration interface.
  3. Copy the REST url and paste it into a text editor such as Notepad.
  4. Also copy the following text and paste it in the text editor:http://server:port/geoportal/rest/manage/document/
  5. Replace server with your geoportal server name and port with your port number. Copy the url after the "&id=" part of the REST url and paste it after 'document'. Example below:

  6. Now that you have constructed the URL for connecting to the geoportal through the third party XML editor, you can make the connection. Open the XML editor software. Steps here describe the process using Altova® XMLSpy.
  7. Click the File menu, and then Open URL.
  8. Enter the URL that you have just constructed in your text editor into the dialog.
  9. Provide your geoportal username and password.
  10. Click OK.
  11. Your document should appear as raw XML in the interface.
  12. Make any edits necessary. When you save the file, the changes are reflected in the document available from the geoportal. There is no need to republish your document.