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ArcScan Tutorial Index

The tutorial has been divided into sections. Click one of the links below to see part of the tutorial.

Segment Description
1 Change the symbology of a raster layer so it can be traced
2 Enable the ArcScan extension and add the ArcScan toolbar
3 Start editing and set raster snapping
4 Create line features by tracing raster cells
5 Create polygon features by tracing raster cells
6 Change the symbology of a raster layer for batch vectorization
7 Clean up small areas of a raster for batch vectorization
8 Use the cell selection tools to clean up large areas of a raster for batch vectorization
9 Control how ArcScan creates new features when batch vectorizing an image
10 Preview vectorization results and generate new features

Open the ArcScan for ArcGIS tutorial PDF

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