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Strategies for using feature limits Changing image output parameters |
Aimsms.cfg specifies default Spatial Server settings for Image Server and is located at:
Windows: <ArcGIS Installation Directory>\ArcIMS\Server\etc
UNIX and Linux: $AIMSHOME/etc
The following settings can be changed:
The number of pooled ArcIMS Server instances connecting to one ArcSDE connection. For more information see Setting connection parameters for ArcSDE. Recommended value is 1.
Percentage representing the quality of jpeg images. The default value is 85%. For more information, see Changing image output parameters.
Compression value for png8 and png24 images. Values can range from -1 to 9. The default value is -1 and is equivalent to a compression value of 6. For more information, see Changing image output parameters.
When using GIF output, you can specify whether the image first appears in a pixilated form before the higher resolution image is displayed. The default value is True. For more information, see Changing image output parameters.
Maximum number of features that can be returned from a GET_FEATURES request. The default value is -1, which indicates no upper limit. For more information, see Strategies for using feature limits.
Directory indicating additional font locations. Multiple directories can be listed. On Windows, separate the directories with a semicolon. On UNIX and Linux, use a colon. For more information, see Locating and pointing to font directories.
After making any changes to this file, you must restart ArcIMS Monitor and ArcIMS Application Server.