Workbench Interface

In Workbench, you’ll work in workspaces that contain source and destination types (data) and their attributes, as well as transformers that manipulate the data as it moves from source to destination formats.

You can work with multiple workspaces at a time by starting additional Workbench applications, and you can copy and paste between workspaces.

Workspace files have the extension .fmw. For a default workspace name, FME suggests a filename based on the formats used in the workspace. For example, if your workspace is set up to read from an ESRI Shapefile and write to both an Access MDB file and AutoCAD drawing, then shape2mdb_dwg.fmw would be the suggested default name. You can always change the name through the File > Properties menu.

Workspace Canvas

The workspace Canvas is where the user graphically defines their workflow. By default, the workflow reads from left to right; the data source is on the left, the transformation tools are in the center and the data destination is on the right. Connections between each item represent the flow of data and may branch in different directions or even lead to a dead-end if required.

Translation Log

The log pane displays a report on translation results. Information includes any warning or error messages, translation status, length of translation and number of features processed.


The navigator is an explorer type tool that displays a text definition of source and destination datasets, plus all the settings that apply to these datasets.

Transformer Gallery

The transformer gallery is a tool for the location and selection of FME transformation tools.

Menubar and Toolbar

The menubar and toolbar contain a number of tools: for example tools for navigating around the workspace, controlling administrative tasks and adding or removing source datasets.

Overview Window

The overview window displays a view of the entire workspace, and highlights the outline of the current canvas window display upon it.

Additional viewing options

Additional panes can display lists of feature and attribute connections.  


Creating Workspaces

Show me the canvas.

Show me the Navigator.

Tell me about  the translation log.

Tell me how to include transformers in my workspace.

Tell me how to manage feature type connections.

Tell me how to manage attribute connections.